Friday, May 1, 2009

Gavin's First Decade Down

There is something about turning eleven. You have made it though a decade of life with all it's ups and downs, joys and disappoints, mistakes and lessons. It is a big accomplishment. To celebrate this great occasion, I'm making a list of my eleven favorite things about Gavin.
1. What an old soul! Gavin has always been an old soul trapped in a little body. You can imagine how fun he was as a newborn. Constant screaming doesn't even begin to describe it. When he was two weeks old, I told Greg to send him back, that I couldn't to this and I had no idea what Heavenly Father was doing sending such a child to me. Now, I appreciate the fact that Gavin is wiser and smarter than all of us! He is mature beyond his years.
2. Gavin is very spiritually grounded. He is a constant example of kindness and integrity. Everything is black and white with Gavin; there is no middle ground. He makes good choices for the right reasons. It is so amazing to watch his testimony grow.
3. I love his blue eyes. Sometimes they are so blue, it hurts to look at them!
4. He loves to learn. Gavin completely enjoys watching NOVA, reading National Geographic, asking intelligent questions and exploring new environments.
5. He is an amazing brother. He has an immense amount of love for Enoch and Kate. He is irreplaceable in their lives. Gavin is the best kind of brother. He loves his family and we are not complete when he is away from us.
6. Gavin plays a game with himself every day - What big, new word can I sneak into a conversation and not have Mom or Dad catch on. He loves to read and discover new words. It is great fun to talk to him. Conversations with Gavin are never dull. I usually feel like I'm talking to a 35 year old who can outwit and outsmart me. He loves to argue and beat his point to death. He would make a very good lawyer.
7. He loves to play games. Gavin lives for Settlers of Catan and is very good at it. He can beat me or Greg legitimately. He loves to have fun, especially with his friends.
8. Gavin has a very type A personality. He is bossy and opinionated with an I'm-in-charge attitude. Sometimes as a mother this is quite difficult, but I'm counting on this wonderfully strong personality to take him to incredible places. Gavin's future is bright - I'm convinced he can accomplish anything he wants.
9. He is very friendly and accepting. When he was little he would call everyone, "friend". He can make friends so quickly and easily. Gavin is a devoted friend. His friends are lucky to have him on their side.
10. He loves to serve. He is my little helper (okay, not so little anymore!) He has always had an innate ability to know when people need help. He serves without asking and usually is embarrassed when people catch him and thank him. He is organizing a food and blanket drive for the homeless shelter right now. Not for Scouts or school, but just because they need it. He wants to help people. It is an incredible gift he has been given by his Heavenly Father and I know that he will do great things with it in the future.
11. He is my son. What would I do without my Gavin?


Michelle Kelly said...

I would agree with everything on your list. Last night at dinner he asked me some science questions and I told him I didn't know science very well, luckily I got the question right. He also politely said before he left "Thanks Aunt Michelle for inviting us"

Winnie said...

What a great kid! Happy birthday Gavin.

Ford Fam said...

He reminds me so much of Greg, a good thing too!

Gayle J. Randall said...

I've called him "my little man" since he was just a baby because I could sense the maturity in him even then. Well, now he's not a "little man" any more--he's a young man--still mature and wise for his age. He will do great things--I've always known it! We love you, Gavin! Grandpa and Grandma Randall