Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sick Kids

I was just thinking the other day that we have been so lucky this winter not to be sick. Oh well! It was good while it lasted. Enoch and Kate both have fevers.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"I'm Cold!" (Shiver, Shiver)

I was folding laundry in my room when I heard the back door slam shut. Great, Enoch is out playing in the slushy snow again and I just mopped my kitchen floor. I walked to my window and saw Enoch running around in the snow like he was running through a field of daisies (very funny!). Kate was standing in the middle of the backyard looking like this:
Enoch did his best to bundle her up. I'm not sure why she needed a headband under her hat but no pants?.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Kate's Evening

Kate seems to go through a wide range of emotions within a short period of time (I know, welcome to the world of girls). Here's what her typical evening involves.

Sometimes I'm happy...

Sometimes I'm sad...

Sometimes my brothers are nice to me (and I'm confused)...

Sometimes I'm silly...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tremendous Trebuchet

I've been waiting for Gavin to do this post, but I don't think that is going to happen. Homework, you know.
I was convinced after last year's late night science fair project that this year would be better. Okay, better by about four hours. Why does that kid put everything off until the last minute?!
Gavin's project was great this year.
He built his trebuchet kit he got for Christmas and tested six different projectiles to see which one would fly the farthest. He chose a small marshmallow, Skittle, wooden ball, metal ball, Whopper and a piece of popped popcorn. What do you think won? I picked the metal ball. Wrong! That got negative inches each time (meaning it landed behind the trebuchet). The winner, by quite a lot, was the Whopper.
Gavin had a great time launching everything (he tested each object six times to have an accurate measurement), his board looked great and he learned something about momentum and weight.
He received an Einstein award, the highest honor. I'm very proud of him (and very happy science fair is over for a few years!).

Update: We just found out today that Gavin is going on to District! Great job, Gavin!

Enoch's Hair

Yesterday I was bathing Enoch. He loves his baths, except for getting his hair washed. As I was soaping it up, I comment that his hair was again too long and needed to be cut. The one thing Enoch hates more than getting his hair washed is getting his hair cut. He looked at me and with an exasperated tone said, "Mom, if you would stop putting water on my hair to wash it, it would stop growing!" Duh! We all know our hair needs water to grow!
I would love to be in Enoch's brain for just a few minutes. Of course, a few minutes is probably all I could handle.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Who needs naps?

Who needs naps? I do, I do! Kate doesn't.

Last week Kate learned how to climb out of her crib. I'm so not ready for this. As soon as my kids climb out of their cribs, the naps are over. I'm lucky with Kate. She is 23 months. Gavin was 18 months and Enoch was 20 months. I'm not ready to have no naps.

PS - Kate finally fell asleep on her bedroom floor after screaming for 45 minutes. She slept for 20 minutes. I'm tired just thinking about losing my nap time.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Matchy Matchy Poo Poo!

I got a bit carried away making clothes for Kate's doll, Lily. But don't they look cute!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Enoch's Talk

Today, Enoch gave his first talk in Primary. He was very excited and nervous. The theme this month is the Godhead and Enoch chose to speak on the Holy Ghost. He wrote his own talk (Mom rearranged the sentences to help with the flow). He was a bit nervous when he got up to talk in the microphone, but he did great. Dad helped him to remember the words.

Enoch's talk:

The Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead. He doesn't have a body. He is Heavenly Father's and Jesus' friend. He can do many things. He can help everyone at the same time. The Holy Ghost is smart and kind. I feel good and fuzzy inside when the Holy Ghost is with me. I feel the Holy Ghost when I am scared and I say a prayer. I also feel the Holy Ghost in Primary and when I see the Angel Moroni on the Temple. I love the Holy Ghost.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Galileo Maiden Voyage

Gavin attended the Space Center (again!) this weekend. He had such a great time. He was the first officer, sensors and medical officer. He stayed busy. His crew was the first ever to be on the new Galileo simulator. He didn't know this before he arrived, but he was very thrilled. Check out the crew's picture on the Space Center blog.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I am so Mad!!!!

My sweet little girl who has barely any hair now has even less. Why? Her brother cut it! I am so mad. Enoch cut off Kate's little, teeny pony tail. Grrrrr! Why couldn't he cut his own hair; it grows like a weed. It has taken Kate almost 2 years to grow this hair and now she has a bald spot right on the top of her head. I had thought only an hour before this happened that Kate might, just might, have enough hair for two tiny pigtails in the summer. Not any more. I am so mad!
Okay, mostly just frustrated. What am I going to do with Enoch? At least we aren't having family pictures any time soon. Let's just hope that Kate's hair starts growing.