Sunday, May 31, 2009

It Stinks When It Happens To You

I feel that Utah County and the Fowler Family have weathered the financial crisis pretty well. It's been a bit like living in a bubble. We have known a few people who have been hit by it, but for the most part life went on as normal. Our bubble burst on Thursday when we were told that the product Greg develops and maintains was being eliminated and his team was being laid off.
It came as a shock. Everyone at work was surprised that it happened. Greg's product and team were highly productive and were making good money in a stinky economy. Greg works for a national company; therefore, they weren't as protected as a Utah County based company. We are now definitely feeling the effects of the national economy.
Please don't worry about us. You take the good and the bad when you work in the computer industry. We will never get rich, but Greg's salary makes it possible for me to stay home and for our family to have a comfortable life. However, we also know that layoffs are a part of this industry. This is not the first time and we know it will not be the last. We are prepared. Of course, we wouldn't turn down a few extra prayers thrown our way!


Michelle Kelly said...

You guys are such examples to Dave and I. You both are so strong and optimistic, I have no doubt Greg will will find a job, and find one better than the last one. It's kind of exciting to see what might come your way. :) And of course we will pray for you.

Angela said...

that does stink. We will send up a few extra prayers for you.

Kaye said...

I feel your pain. Brent got told on Thursday that his hours and pay were being cut back 20 percent. We're grateful it's only that much. It does stink when it happens to you. Prayers are on their way!

Carrie said...

That totally stinks! I feel your pain. We've gone through that a couple times, but not lately (thank goodness, knock on wood). I just hope he finds a job soon, and you don't have to move out of the neighborhood!

Ford Fam said...

You guys are always so strong. I hope things progress to something bigger and better fast!

The Laurence Family said...

I'm very sorry to hear of this news. This type of thing always hits close to home. I've been through it twice and I wouldn't exactly say it gets more fun. It can present new opportunities, but the uncertainty of it all is unnerving. We will certainly include you in our prayers, and we will hope for a great opportunity just around the corner. Let me know what kind of programming you do, Greg, and I'll ask at work if we have a need. Hiring is slow right now, but you never know.

Marie Brian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gayle J. Randall said...

We are praying every day. I told our self-employment workshop about Greg and how he took the Career Workshop and how good he is at networking. I love to tell personal stories about my sons-in-law to the people here. They always seem so interested. I think they love to hear that Americans are struggling with employment, too. Something good will come along--you pay your tithing!

Ariana said...

Stink! I hope he can find something soon...and in the mean time, I'm sure the Lord will take care of you. I'm sure there's a miracle out there with your name on it!

Marie Brian said...

Hey Tresa, thanks for your message. I um, deleted mine on your blog, because, well, our news is not public, supposedly. Very hush hush. :)