Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Enoch's Science Fair Project

Enoch has always loved science. He has this undeniable need in him to understand things around him. He has a hard time accepting my answer of, "That is just how Heavenly Father made it." He wants to know why, how. He is very good at not just understanding individual concepts, but he can formulate on his own of how things work together and effect each other.
His teacher, Mrs. Simpson, is in charge of the Science Fair at his school. When she started talking about it, he asked if he could do a project on volcanoes. We have been super busy at our home lately, but I didn't have the heart to tell him no to a great educational opportunity. Unfortunately, we got a late start on his project, so he wasn't able to build a volcano. After talking about different parts of a volcano, Enoch decided to focus on plate tectonics. He learned about different ways volcanoes are formed. He is particularly interested in underwater volcanoes and how they create islands.
Enoch is very meticulous in his work. You wouldn't think it, but Enoch is a perfectionist. He did such a careful job of coloring his pictures and writing his definitions. He was so excited to glue everything onto his board. Greg got out his laser level so everything could be lined up and Enoch really like using the rubber cement to glue things on.

Enoch won a third place ribbon for his project! He has taped his ribbon to the outside of his bedroom door. We are so proud of him.

Monday, February 21, 2011

President's Day

Why does it sometimes seem like you are doing so much for your kids that you are actually neglecting them? Isn't just a kick in the pants when you finally realize that?
I feel like February has been a very busy month for us, filled with birthdays, projects, church callings, etc. As much as I was trying to make things good for my kids, I was just really busy and not paying attention to them.
When President's Day rolled around I thought, "Great, a day off to do something fun with the kids." As the day progressed, I realized that wasn't going to happen. Gavin went sledding with friends, Enoch was busy with his science fair project and I needed to run to the store for some essentials. By late afternoon I was feeling guilty that nothing fun had happened at home.
I decided that I could still salvage the day. Enoch, Kate and I went downstairs and built a Lincoln Log town. We talked about how Presidents Washington and Lincoln lived in log cabins. I tried to remember all the stories I could about these two men and told them to the kids. We had a great discussion on honesty and loyalty.

It was only about 30 minutes, but it was great. Why don't I do that more? We had fun, learned something and spent time together. Perfect.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Enoch's Solar System

And you thought your kid thinks he is the center of the universe!

How cute is this? Enoch colored it and hung it up in his room. We have Planet Enoch, Enoch's Moon, Sun Enoch and Enoch's Stars. In a separate picture he colored Enoch moon and put a big bomb on it. I tried to get a photo of that drawing, but, according to Enoch, it blew up and it had to be properly disposed of (he threw it away).
I love this kid!

Gavin's Talk

Today Gavin spoke in Sacrament Meeting. His topic was Being Converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He did a great job.

One story I really like from the Book of Mormon is King Benjamin and his sermon. King Benjamin was the prophet. He gathered all his people together. He spoke to them from a tall tower. He taught them about service, obedience, happiness, prayer, humility, kindness and about Christ and His miracles and Atonement. The people believed King Benjamin and were touched by the Spirit. In Mosiah 5:2 it reads, “And they all cried with one voice, saying: Yea, we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually.”

The people of King Benjamin were converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Their hearts were changed. They were becoming more Christ-like through their thoughts and actions. They just didn’t believe, they did. Elder Dallin H. Oaks said, “It is not even enough for us to be convinced of the gospel; we must act and think so that we are converted by it. In contrast to the institutions of the world, which teaches us to know something, the gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to become something.”

Being converted is becoming what Christ want us to be and what He knows we can be. It’s making good decisions because we want to and not just because we should. It is a profound change of our nature.

How can we be converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ? Elder D. Todd Christofferson taught that desire, submissiveness to God, study, prayer, service, repentance, and obedience are all part of becoming or being converted. He said, “The gospel won’t be just an influence in your life – it will be what you are.”

I’ve been taught my whole life to pray and to read my scriptures. When I choose to do read my scriptures on my own I found out that it meant more to me than having my parent tell me to do it. I also felt the spirit more when it was my decision to study my scriptures. I did better in school, I was slower to anger and was happier. I would not have gained a testimony if I my parent forced me to do it. I choose to read my scriptures because I wanted to not because I had to. That is the first step of being converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Bear Testimony

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Kate's Birthday

I just don't want to believe that my Kate is three. THREE! How did that happen? She is so sweet, adorable, smart and kind. I just want her to stay little. Oh well.

Some of my favorite things about Kate:
1. Her eyes - they are so blue and with eyelashes to die for.
2. Her smile - sometimes I get a bit choked up when she smiles at me. She is just so beautiful. I can't count the number of times strangers have told me how cute and pretty she is. I know!

3. Her sweetness - I think this is the word that may describe Kate the best.
4. Her smarts - she sits with Enoch and me everyday while we do Enoch's reading. She has picked up on letters and sounds and is starting to sound out some words. She loves books and wants to be read to numerous times a day. Her mind is very sharp.
5. Her sensitivity - she is aware of those around her and wants them to be happy. When she senses that I am having a hard time she will give me a hug and tell me, "I love you." When people are upset and voices are raised, she will run to her room to get away from the tension. Today Enoch was very sad over some friend issues. She pulled her little chair into Mom's closet to get Enoch one of her potty treats (a mini candy bar). She climbed up on the shelves, fell down and got hurt. She then pulled a kitchen chair over the carpet into my room. When I asked her what she was doing she said, "I want Enoch to be happy and not sad. I will give him a treat so he can smile."
6. Her determination - she doesn't give up easily. And she doesn't get frustrated. She will try again and again. It is amazing to watch her at gym class. She will do something until she gets it right.
She amazes me. Not a day goes by that I don't thank my Heavenly Father for sending her to me.

We started Kate's birthday by measuring her. She is still on the short side (2oth percentile). We then opened presents. She got some crayons and markers

and a new Sunday outfit (I love it!).

Her big present was too large for her to reach so Dad had to help.

She loves her art easel. It has been so much fun for her (and her brothers too). We have gone through a lot of paper, but that's what it is for.

Later that day, Mom and Dad took Kate to lunch to spend some time just with her.
We celebrated Enoch's and Kate's birthday on Sunday night with the Fowlers. We served brownies, homemade strawberry ice cream and chocolate dipped strawberries (all Kate's favorites). What a great weekend.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Does Your House Ever Look Like This?

I like having my house clean, but I'm not willing to loose sleep over it. I try to have it picked up, but I'm finding that harder to do with three kids. Clearly my kids need more instruction on how to pick up after themselves!
In the middle of birthday craziness and Cub Scout Blue & Gold (which I planned dinner for 175 people), my house came last on my list. Obviously.

Geesh. Really, guys. The thing that bothers me the most it that is doesn't bother anyone else in this house. Needless to say, I started getting serious about kid jobs and being more diligent about having the kids help around the house.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I Can't See Anything!

About six o'clock tonight the snow started falling and the wind started blowing. It was quite the storm. I was expecting the power to go out (because in Lehi when the wind blows more than 15 mph, the power goes out!). About 7:30 as I was sewing Scout patches on Greg's shirt, the power turned off. Since I was down in my sewing room, it was completely dark. I heard Gavin yell from his room next door, "I can't see anything!" We felt our way upstairs and found the rest of the family.
We gathered in Mom and Dad's room. Greg and Gavin found some lanterns, flashlights and head lamps from the camping gear. We snuggled in bed and talked. It was nice - quiet. The kids were started to get worried and cold, so we decided to get them into bed and asleep. We piled on extra blankets and put a light in each room, I was concerned it would take them a long time to fall asleep, but it didn't.

The power came back on about 2:30am. It was nice to wake up at 4am and hear the heater going. It was the best kind of camping - no electronics, but still running water, a comfortable bed and great company.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is sadly overlooked in our home. We have Enoch's birthday on February 12 and Kate's on the 19 and this year I have Cub Scout Blue & Gold Banquet on the 17, so I'm doing good to even remember Valentine's Day (I did almost forget to send Enoch's cards and suckers with him to school! That would have been a disaster!).
Since we are on sugar overload from birthdays, we skipped any sweet treats and just had a nice dinner of salmon, rice and breaded broccoli. I did make some chocolate dipped strawberries and they were a big hit. Gavin and Kate absolutely love them.

After dinner we read Huggly's Valentines. My kids love the Huggly books. They are now out of print so we had to order one from an online used bookstore. Greg and I had a laugh when the book came. We only paid a penny for it (plus $3 shipping), so it wasn't a huge expense. We ordered a 'good' condition book. It arrived with a special Valentine sticker note to Hannah from Sean stuck on the front. That sticker will not budge. So, thank you Hannah for giving up your Huggly book for us.

It was a low-key day, but still fun to remember those we love!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Girl's Day Out

Do we need an excuse to celebrate these two adorable girls?
Kate and her cousin, Brynnley, were born 9 days apart in February of 2008. I, of course, was due first, but my sister beat me by nine days. My sister and I thought it would be fun to have a girl's day out to remember their birthdays. We invited Grandma Randall, Aunt Michelle and Brynnley's Grandma Ford, Aunt Heather and cousin Sadie. I made cute matching shirts with a cupcake and three candles for Kate and Brynnley.

We had a yummy lunch at Noodles & Company in Orem. Kate ordered mac & cheese and ate about two bites (maybe that is why she is still so short!). The girls were too excited to eat so we didn't stay at the restaurant too long. We caravaned to Build-A-Bear at University Mall. The
girls were thrilled to be there. Kate was a bit overwhelmed. When we were there last, she immediately zeroed in on her gray kitty. This decision was harder. She finally picked a pink bear. Brynnely also picked the same pink bear! After stuffing them, the girls picked out a dress. Again, they chose the same outfit - a Tangled dress.

The party continued after Build-A-Bear. We walked to Cold Stone. Kate adores ice cream, so this was a perfect way to end the outing. Kate ordered pink strawberry ice cream with sprinkles. She finished the entire bowl.

I had such a fun day with the girls. I love spending time with Kate. She is such a quiet girl around other people, but I know she had a great time. I love her so much!

Enoch Jon is 6!

Enoch is many things. He is...
and he is SIX!
Wow! What an incredibly amazing six years it has been. Enoch is so full of life it just bursts from him. His mind is constantly full speed. His body never stops running. Even when he is sitting down he is moving. He is the sweetest ball of energy I know.
I love Enoch. That sounds so lukewarm compared to what I feel for him. He is a huge part of my happiness. He will, at random times during the day, say, "I love you, Mom." He has taught me how to be joyful, imaginative, accepting, forgiving. What a wonderful gift Enoch has been to our family.

Enoch's Favorites:
Food - pb and jam sandwich, fish
Treat - no bake cookies
Movie - Rescue Heroes, G-Force, Bolt
TV Show - Rescue Heroes, Wild Kratts, Alfred the Hedgehog
Color - red, blue
Friend - Kate, Jimmy, Hazel
Book - Huggly, National Gegraphic Volcanoes
Toy - camera
Activity - play with my family and friends
School Activity - art projects, creative writing

Enoch's birthday started the traditional way - by measuring him. He is consistently growing about 3 inches a year.

He was so excited to open his presents, so we did that next. He sat in the birthday chair with the birthday crown on and opened his gifts. He was sooo excited to get his abacus. His teacher uses one everyday in their classroom and he was thrilled to have one at home. He calls it a wreck-a-wreck. I have no idea why. He's not sure either. He'll call it that and then get a slight smile and say, "Oh yeah, I mean my abacus."

He also received a Star Wars Lego watch and a Playmobil volcano with dinosaurs. He has had a lot of fun with the volcano, which actually erupts. And Enoch has always loved dinosaurs, so they have been fun too.

The Randall family came over for presents and visiting later that morning. It was fun to see everyone. After that, Mom and Kate went out and Enoch and Dad got to spend some special birthday time together. They ate lunch at Carl's Jr. and then saw the movie, Gnomeo and Juliet. I'm not sure how much Enoch liked the movie (he tends to get restless sitting there for so long).
It was a fun day. I'm so happy to celebrate Enoch.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Swimming Birthday Party

We had a fabulous time at Enoch's and Kate's birthday party. They together choose to have a swimming party. I was a bit worried about taking 6 and 2 years olds to the pool, but they were so excited. We limited the number of kids to one friend and one cousin per kid. Enoch invited Jimmy and Carson. Kate invited Hazel and Brynnley.
We started the party by eating pizza. The kids had more fun laughing and talking, but it was all good. We then opened presents. Enoch got some fun toys including a doodle pad, legos, and a spy kit. Cupcakes were very messy (they always are) and I'm pretty sure that more frosting was eaten than cake, but that's okay. The kids were excited to get to the pool.

We recruited Grandma and Grandpa Randall to help with supervision at the pool. I was constantly counting heads while the kids were in the water. The kids were everywhere and fast. We had a rule that if they crossed the rope into the deeper water they absolutely must have a life jacket on. We spent a lot of time playing on the play structure, going on the lazy river, and really, the kids liked playing on the little kid playground almost more than anything. Hazel and Kate wanted to go on the big slide (brave girls!), but it closed just before we were ready to go, so we skipped it. Everyone had so much fun.

For the party favor, I made hooded towels for all the kids in their favorite color. They were fun to put together and I hope they are something that will be used later on.

We hustled out to the car and turned the heater on full blast. Everyone seemed pretty worn out when we took them home. It was such a fun party! Happy Birthday Enoch and Kate!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Gavin's Contacts

A few weeks ago Gavin told me he was having a hard time seeing the board at school. I made an eye appointment for him to get new glasses. A few days before his appointment, he was making noises like he wanted contacts. Greg and I talked about it and decided he is old enough and mature enough to handle contacts.
His appointment on Monday went fine (although he eyes have barely changed! He could totally see the board!). He was fitted for contacts and then began the learning process of how to take care of them and get them in and out. Amazingly for Gavin, he has the exact same prescription in both eyes, so he doesn't have to worry about mixing up his contacts.
He has been doing very well. It is still difficult to put them in and them take them out, but he is getting better everyday. It's a bit hard for me to help him. He has soft contacts and I've only worn soft contacts for a few months (after wearing hard for 20 years), so we are learning together. At least Greg didn't have to pry them out of Gavin's eyes the first night, like he had to do with me!
He looks so grown up! Now I can see his gorgeous blue eyes even better!


Friday, February 4, 2011

100th Day of School

Kindergarten is such a fun year. And it helps that Enoch has the most amazing teacher ever, Mrs. Simpson. We love her!
Since kindergarteners learn how to count to 100, they make a big deal about the 100th day of school. Each child is sent home with a large piece of cardstock and told to put 100 things on there. Some kids do 100 stickers, draw a bowl with 100 cereal pieces in it or make a 100 eyed monster. Enoch, of course, wanted to do a volcano. We got pull-apart red licorice and put 100 pieces of 'lava' spewing from the volcano.

The licorice was getting a bit heavy, so we stared cutting the pieces in half. We also had to put some pieces in the lava tubes because we were running out of room at the top. Enoch colored the volcano and glued on all the licorice by himself. He did such a great job on his volcano (and he can count to 100!).

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Kate's Feet

While I was downloading pictures from Enoch's camera, I found some shots of some very cute feet. Kate found Enoch's camera one afternoon and started snapping pictures. Oddly, most of them are of her feet. I love how Kate's second toes bow outward - just like her dad's.

A few are pictures of Kate and others are shots of random things around the house. It is always so fun to look at the pictures on the kid's cameras and see what it is that fascinates them enough to snap a picture of it.