Thursday, April 30, 2009

Remembering Kids (Apr 2009)

(Gavin)10 years - Some of Gavin's favorites: Grandpa's 4-wheelers, zip line in the backyard, Pendragon, bacon, Nightside on KSL long, hot showers, friends, spray painting anything, and BYU.
(Enoch) 3 years - Enoch had his first show and tell for Preschool this week. After explaining that show and tell is when you bring something really cool and neat to show your friends, he thought about for a bit and decided to bring himself .
(Kate) 8 months - Kate produces the most interesting sounds. She screams like a banshee, burps like a sailor and occasionally make a 'HUH? you people are nuts' noise in the back of her throat.


Winnie said...

Enoch definintely knows what's cool.

I want to hear Kate make that noise!

Gavin is the the best! I love how he follows his own beat...

Michelle Kelly said...

I think I got the look from Kate today when she looked at me with my sunglasses on.

Gayle J. Randall said...

"It's all about the memories." Great job recording them!