Saturday, May 30, 2009

Scratch & Sniff

I so wish this picture was scratch & sniff. My lilacs are blooming and they look fantastic. But, more than that, they smell amazingly heavenly. Every morning, I've been getting up early and sitting on my rocker on the porch, drinking my herbal tea and just smelling. I know that sounds crazy, but I love the smell of lilacs. I only get the scent for a few weeks of the year, and I intend to enjoy it. It's a great way to start the day.


Michelle Kelly said...

I love that you sit outside on your porch every day. That is my goal one day to be able to do that at our own house. It's good to take time for yourself and relax.

Ford Fam said...

I am that way with my honey suckle. I love it and go sit outside just so I can smell it!

Gayle J. Randall said...

I'm the same with the honeysuckle. I love lilacs too, though. So glad you can take time to "smell the roses--oops, lilacs!" Remember, all things testify of Him. Great time to think of the Savior. I'm sure you do . . .