Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 1: Traveling

We left for our big adventure on Tuesday afternoon about 4:30. By the time we had reached the freeway (yes, 7 minutes away), the kids had looked through and used up all their fun, surprise activities. Oh well. We stopped off in Payson to pick up Uncle Jarom and we were off. Jarom drove down separately because he is staying in San Fransisco for the summer for his NASA internship. Jarom, Grandpa and Gavin drove the rest of the way in Jarom's car. We drove and drove and drove (except for potty breaks).
We stopped at 9:30 pm for a late dinner at Wendy's in St. George. We all felt a bit better after that. It wasn't too long until we reached the lights of Las Vegas. I now remember why I really don't like Las Vegas. Greg commented that he, who couldn't sell water to a dying man in the desert, could make a fortune selling light bulbs in Vegas.
We reached Jean, NV, at midnight. We stayed overnight at the Gold Strike hotel. Crummy beds, but we were so tired we didn't care. Our kids first time in Nevada and they slept through most of it. Oh well, not much to see anyway.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

What a cold Memorial Day! When we arrived at the cemetery in North Ogden there was snow on the ground. The kids were freezing, Enoch was wearing Crocs. It wasn't very enjoyable. We did manage to visit a few graves including my mom's grave (Kate Patrice was named after her).

I ran over to the sexton's office and was able to find the grave of Enoch Randall. It was a bit tricky because his full name is James Enoch Randall, but always went by Enoch. He is a great, great, great uncle of mine and was a very prominent citizen of Weber County. He was named after his grandfather, Enoch Severn, an Anglican preacher in England. My Enoch is also named after Enoch Severn (and also, of course, the prophet).

We were also able to drive past Enoch Randall's home. Isn't it beautiful? I love it.

After the cemetery, we went to my aunt's home for lunch. As we drove up to her driveway I couldn't believe my eyes. Guess what I saw?

Yep, that is our old Trooper. Really, how many Troopers out there are that color? We looked inside and it was definitely our old car. What are the odds? It had a Bonneville High School parking pass hanging from the rear view mirror. I'm glad someone is taking good care of it.
On our way home we stopped in Salt Lake to leave flowers and a flag at the grave of my Grandpa Halverson. It was a good day to remember those we have lost and how lucky we are to be able to see them again.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Enoch's Tithing

Enoch has been receiving an allowance since the beginning of the year. He gets $5 a month. He puts 10% in tithing, 40% in mission and 50% in fun money. So really he is getting $2.50 a month. I know, not much, but he is still excited about it. More importantly he is learning to pay tithing and save money.
On Sunday he asked if he could pay his tithing. Of course! We helped him fill out his envelope and tithing slip. He loaded up his envelope with coins (the financial clerks love that! ask Greg). He was so excited to take it to church. We found Brother Blackham and Enoch proudly handed over his tithing. What a great kid!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Scattered Thoughts

1. It's always interesting to me the things my kids really care about. For instance, we made the decision to miss the dance festival this year, thinking that Enoch really wouldn't care. He doesn't like to be on display or be the center of attention, so I thought the dance festival wouldn't be his thing. He is so excited about it. Geesh! Truthfully, I think he is more excited about the costumes than the dance, but he is still sad about missing it. The kindergarteners are doing a dance to the Mary Poppins chimney sweep song. They get to dust their faces with black chalk. Enoch is all about that!
To make up for it and to ease my guilt, Kate and I were able to watch their practice. It was so cute! I'm a bit sad now too that we are missing it. And guess what? I stood by myself, 10 feet away from Enoch and had a perfect view of him. That was the best seat I'll ever have at the dance festival - and I forgot my camera! Typical.

2. Kate has magical hair. She told me last night, "I have blond hair and when Sister Hampton cut my hair - it stayed blond! It didn't turn brown. My hair is magical!" Reference Tangled if you are confused.

3. This morning before the kids were up, I sat down and filled out our summer calendar. Oh my goodness! I think we have one free day the entire summer. We have Scouts, Kate's gym class twice a week, Enoch's karate class, Gavin's saxophone lessons, day camps for Enoch, week long Scout camps for Gavin, park day with the cousins, campfire programs for Enoch up the canyon, swimming lessons, merit badge classes, trips, etc, etc, etc. I'm tired already.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

BYU Rugby

Let me say upfront that, aside from Greg, our family knows next to nothing about the sport of rugby. Greg knows some of the rules and the general gist of the game. I know that rugby players have ginormous thighs and are a tough lot.
However, when we learned that BYU was playing in the national championship game in Salt Lake we couldn't pass up the chance to support our Cougars. We bought our tickets to the game at Rio Tinto Stadium and headed up on Saturday night.

We were pleasantly surprised at the show of support for BYU. Obviously some people really know what is going on in this game and the fans were great. We sat next to a girl who knew a lot and was giving a running commentary to her clueless friend, so I listened in and learned quite a bit.

The kids were restless, but I think still had a good time. Uncle Jarom came with us, so Enoch was happy. We would have all been happy if BYU had won. They lost to Cal 21-14. Cal was an incredible team, even I could see how good they were.
It was a fun night - something different that we haven't done before. Rugby is a very fun sport to watch and we hope to catch more games in the future. Go Cougars!


Last weekend Greg went scuba diving with Gavin at The Crater in Heber (Gavin is working on his Scuba Diving merit badge). They had a great time, but Greg came home with his ear full of water. A few days later, Greg's ear was still plugged and really hurting. I convinced him to visit the doctor where he was diagnosed with an ear infection. He is now on antibiotics, but probably won't feel better for another few days.
Because his ear is plugged, he is having problems hearing. We are all having to raise our voices a bit for him to understand us. It is just about killing Kate to speak loud enough for her Dad to hear her. She talks so softly and doesn't like to raise her voice even when asked to speak up. Don't get me wrong, all living in this house has heard Kate yell and scream, but not very often. She was almost in tears the other night because Greg couldn't hear her. Poor thing!
I'm hoping Greg feels better soon. Ear infections are so miserable. I sometimes find him bend completely over with his head down by his feet. Apparently that is the only way he can find relief from the pressure. Get better soon!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Enoch's Animals

A few experiences Enoch has had with animals the last few days.

1. Enoch was assigned to do an animal report for his class in anticipation for their upcoming field trip to the zoo. Enoch chose to learn about honey badgers. Really? I didn't even knew they existed. However Enoch learned that they live to Russia, India and Africa. They eat honey brood (honey bee eggs), like to dig and are among the most fearless animals in the world. They are quite ugly, but Enoch thinks they are way cool!

2. Enoch found a giant beetle in our yard. He carried that thing around in his hand for about 45 minutes. When I saw him next, his beetle was gone. Enoch said he decided to go home. "But he pooped in my hand before he left. It was awesome!" Hmmm.

3. Enoch came home from school today with his face and neck completed covered in mud (I wish I had gotten a picture). I asked him what in the world he was doing. He said, "I was walking home and was really hot. I saw some mud and decided to cool off like an elephant. So I covered myself in mud like elephants do. It was very cooling!" Huh, whatever.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wagon Rides

Enoch is the kind of older brother every little sister wants. He is so considerate of Kate. He will play princesses and tea party with her, when he is excited about something he wants to share it with Kate, when he leaves to play with his friends he will say, "Come on, Kate. Let's go play.", he tells me it is his job to protect his sister.
Tonight, he was out riding his bike. Kate was tying to keep up on her trike, but wasn't having much luck. Enoch zipped into the driveway and yelled, "I have a great idea!" He tied some string from the back of his bike to the handle of the wagon. He refastened Kate's helmet straps and then told her to hop in the wagon.
He then took off - really took off. He was going quite a bit faster than I though he could pulling Kate. I was running behind him yelling him to slow down. Greg and I could hear Kate laughing and screaming, "This is so fun! Fun, Fun, Fun!" Kate loved it! She wasn't happy that I made Enoch slow down.

After a bit of a rest for the 'driver', Enoch was back giving wagon rides to Kate.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Conversation

A conversation I overheard this morning.

Dad: Enoch, do you know what today is?
Enoch: Sunday.
Dad: What else?
Enoch: (excitedly) Mother's Day!
Dad: What does that mean?
Enoch: We go to church and we can't watch TV.
Dad: What does Mother's Day mean?
Enoch: We do everything for Mom and let her relax.
Dad: Right! Let's start with doing the dishes.
Enoch: Okay. What else are we going to do?
Dad: We are going to clean up and do all the cooking.


Enoch: (very skeptical) WE are going to cook??? Dad, do you know how to cook?

I've had a great day. Greg and the kids have done everything and have let me have some quiet time. Enoch gave me a book he made in school about our family. He talks about how his mom makes soup, he likes his sister, fights with his brother and how his Dad has cheese and crackers in his office(?). Kate was so worried yesterday that she didn't have a present for me. So cute! Boys and girls are so different - I'm still not sure Gavin realizes it's Mother's Day. I told Kate I wanted lots of kisses for my present. She has been giving me hugs and kisses all day. I love it!

Happy Mother's Day to all!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Tulip Festival

For Greg's birthday, we visited the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point. It was so nice to be out in the warm weather and just walk - with no destination or time restraints. That isn't happening very often at our house these days.
We saw many beautiful flowers (of course, mostly tulips), visited NASA's Solar System exhibit and spent most of our time at the Waterfall Garden. Enoch and Kate loved it. After the gardens, we stopped by the deli and had a treat. It was a great night.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Our first teenager

That word - teenager - doesn't quite strike the same fear in me as it used to. Gavin didn't change from April 30 to May 1. He is still who he is. Although I told him since he has been acting like a teenager for the past five years, I'm now ready for him to start acting 20. Yeah, right.
My thoughts about Gavin are simple. I love him. I'm crazy about him.

He is:

He can also be:
a stinker
too smart for his own good

Our family is so lucky. Gavin is truly amazing. He is far more than I deserve. He is an incredible son, brother, person. I love him.