Saturday, May 30, 2009

Fowler Fathers & Sons

Greg and the boys attended the first annual Fowler Fathers & Sons at the family cabin this weekend. I can't get a lot of information out of them, but I'm sure they had fun. They came home very stinky, dirty and exhausted! (doesn't that mean that boys had fun?). On Saturday, everyone helped clear out dead brush and trees from around the cabin to help with fire hazards this year.
Enoch did not want to get in the shower when he came home. As you can see, he is filthy. We finally dragged him in the shower and scrubbed. Everyone had a great time and can't wait until next year.


Michelle Kelly said...

How fun!! What a great grandpa Dee is to have a father and sons. They will always remember it.

Carrie said...

Yes, I would say stinky, dirty and tired = boys having FUN!

Gayle J. Randall said...

So much male bonding time! Good for Grandpa Dee to make it a fun occasion. Your family is very blessed!