Friday, May 29, 2009

The End of Fifth Grade

School is over. Am I happy or sad? I'm not sure yet - give me a few days.
Gavin had a great year. He transferred schools from Eaglecrest to Sego Lily Elementary to attend the Accelerated Learning Lab. The transition went very smoothly and he is so glad he made the choice to go. His teacher this year was Mrs. Magnum. Gavin really liked her and is sad to be leaving her class. A few of Gavin's favorites from fifth grade:
1. Mrs. Magnum - she gave out thousands of Frooties throughout the year to the kids and never assigned homework over the weekend.
2. Field Trip - Space Center (what else?)
3. Books - Pillage, Pendragon series
4. Recess game - Flag Revenge (a twist on Flag Football and British Bulldog)
5. Subject - Reading
6. School lunch - Baked Potato Bar
7. Project - Dissecting Frogs and Wax Museum (Gavin picked an American hero to do a written and oral report on. He had to dress up like him and write a rhyming poem to present to the class. He chose to depict Wernher von Braun. I know, I didn't know who that was either. When I asked Gavin, he gave me a duh look and in a voice meant for speaking to a 2-year-old told me he founded NASA. I get it now.)
8. Carpooling with his friend Cayden and being dropped off every morning by Dad.
What a great and busy year. It will be nice to have a break from homework (Gavin averaged about 1 1/2 hours a night). Gavin is looking forward to summer, but will miss his friends and, dare I say, maybe even school!


Winnie said...

Yah Tresa, everyone knows who Wernher von Braun is. Get with the program.(insert eye roll here)

Congratulations to Gavin and good job. Here's to all of us moms surviving the summer.

Michelle Kelly said...

I love that Gavin enjoys school. He is so creative and would only think on Wernher von Braun. :)

k8theriver said...

1 1/2 hours!? in 5th grade? i hope my kids aren't gifted. unless they are gifted enough to do all that homework on their own. :)

Gayle J. Randall said...

You need to watch the movie about the boys who build the rocket (why can't I remember the name). That's the only way I remember who Werner von Braun is. What a smarty Gavin is! So glad you're documenting his favorites. I can't remember my own favorites (or yours) in 5th grade!