Thursday, February 19, 2009

Blue & Gold

I can't believe this is Gavin's last Blue & Gold Banquet! Greg was a bit excited that this would be the last one we would have to go to until I reminded him that Enoch would one day be a Cub Scout too. They aren't that bad and the kids love it. In our ward, the boys and their dads make cakes for dessert. This years theme was American ABCs. Gavin is obsessed with bundt cakes (where that came from I do not know) and so he came up with an idea using a chocolate bundt cake. He made a cake version of Mount Redoubt (the erupting volcano in Alaska). It turned out great and I didn't do a thing. Actually, since Greg was busy taking care of us sicklies, Gavin did all the work. It looked cute and was delicious.

Since most of us were sick, only Gavin and I went this year. We had a picnic style dinner on blankets with hot dogs, chips and homemade rootbeer. It was a lot of fun. The Webelos did the skit and it was very funny, if a little irreverent (but we are at Scouts!).

We have such amazing Scout leaders in our ward and it is a joy to work with them. They make my life much easier and Gavin's life a lot of fun. Thanks to our great leaders!


Michelle Kelly said...

Gavin, I am so impressed with your baking skills!! You will have to make a bundt cake for one of our birthday parties!!

Gayle J. Randall said...

Gavin, you are growing up! What talents you have and how creative you are! Hooray for Scouting! We are so blessed to have it for our boys. Dad and I hope to have a chance to visit Lord Baden Powell's grave while we're here in Kenya. You are a great "Scouting Mom," Tresa!

Unknown said...

Hi Gavin-
Grandpa Elder Randall-would love some brown licorice and chocolate cake-boy that looks yum-yum. GREAT JOB. Great to see you did so well in cub scouts. Your a good grandson.