Friday, February 20, 2009

Seriously Sick

A short diversion from birthday post to fill you in on the rest of our lives - we are sick. I know, I think most everyone is sick right now. It seems to be a bad year for colds, fevers and the like. We had stayed quite healthy up until this week, no major illness (unless you count Kate's teething, which makes her sick and crabby). We are making up for it this week.
Of course, Greg and Gavin are fine; they usually are when the rest of the world is feeling crummy. They have amazing immune systems. Enoch, Kate and I have caught the cold, cough, fever, ear infection bug going around. Enoch can't stop coughing; literally coughing until he throws up. Lucky for us, he can now carry around the throw-up bucket and we haven't had to clean out our carpets. He gets a random very high fever which makes him miserable, but I think he rather enjoys laying in mom and dad's bed and watching TV all day while drinking juice.
Kate also is feverish (although not as bad as Enoch). I still can't figure out how such a small body can produce so much snot! It is unbelievable. She is also suffering from ear infection on both sides. Once she started her antibiotic, she was feeling better within a few days.
I am the mom, hence I don't get to go to bed, just wander half-heartedly around the house while feeling extremely crummy. You all know the feeling. Actually, Greg has been wonderful. He took some time off work to take care of us, take us to the doctor and the pharmacy. He has been on dinner and dish duty for the last few nights and has done it without complaining. He made an emergency run to Smiths to pick up more medicine and has listen to endless complaining and crying from the three of us. What a guy!
All I can say is that ear infections are MISERABLE! This is the first ear infection I remember having, and they stink! I was up pacing the halls at 1am trying to walk myself to sleep when I finally googled "ear infection pain". I was so desperate I was sticking garlic in my ear. I finally took a left over Percocet from Kate's birth. That did put me to sleep. Even after being on antibiotics for days, I am still suffering; not so much hurting and aching, but so much pressure. I finally discovered that tying salt into an old nylon and then heating up in the microwave and holding it to my ear helped relieve some pain and pressure.
Hopefully this will clear up soon (although I'm not holding my breath on the cough going away any time soon). We are all sick and tired of being sick and tired!


Ford Fam said...

Oh how we know it! I can't believe you are still feeling pain! Brynnley spiked a fever AGAIN yesterday!! When will this be over!!!!

Carrie said...

We're there with you! And it seems to last FOREVER!! After 2 weeks I'm just starting to feel better. Warm olive oil in the ear canal and plugged with a cotton ball seems to help ears at my house, but hopefully you're over it already. I feel your pain! Litterally

Michelle Kelly said...

I didn't know all those tricks for ear infections. I don't remember ever having one. Greg is such a nice husband to help out with dinner and the dishes and everything. Good job Greg!! I know Tresa is always saying how amazing you are at being a husband and father and we can all see that.

Gayle J. Randall said...

Our family escaped without a lot of ear infections. I'm trying to remember if any of you had them--maybe I've forgotten. So I don't know too many remedies. Good for Google . . . and Percoset. Hope you're feeling better. I'll bet if Grandma Randall were still alive she could tell you what to do. :)

Unknown said...

Sorry for all the sickness, pretty good weather here and so hopefully no colds, but not sure about all the exaust pollution. Ever thing is diesel and beat up engines and the pollution is pretty heavy. So hope our lungs will make it home GET WELL DAD