Friday, February 27, 2009

Mom & Enoch's Date

Enoch has been feeling a bit out of sorts lately. I think he is still a bit sick and feeling neglected because Kate has been teething and is quite onery and getting all of Mom's attention. Greg and I decided that Enoch needed some one-on-one time with Mom or Dad. After talking it through we made plans to go on a 'date' with the boys each month, alternating months.
For Enoch's date tonight, he decided he wanted dinner at McDonald's and to go swimming at the Legacy Center. He gets to choose and I get to not complain. Actually, I had a lot of fun. Over our Happy Meals, I found out some fun facts about Enoch.
1. Enoch's favorite thing to do at preschool is play kitchen. He likes to make pickles for all his friends.
2. His favorite friend to play at preschool with is Miss Dawn.
3. His favorite friend to play with at our house is Kate.
4. He likes to eat his chicken nuggets with ketchup and his french fries with sweet and sour sauce.
After dinner and playing at McDonald's, we went swimming. The pool was fairly crowded, but it didn't bother Enoch. We played on the water playground, swam around and went through the lazy river a few times. It took him about 15 minutes to get use to the water, then he was everywhere. He would walk out as far as he could and then put his face in the water. We played in the water for an hour and left very worn out. It was a fun night and I'm glad we went. Hopefully, this will be a great tradition that we can keep going for years. Next month is Gavin's turn.


Michelle Kelly said...

What a great idea. I remember mom and dad doing this with us. Dave and I want to do the same thing with our kids. There is something about being just with your parents that makes you feel special and that they listen to you and want to know what's going on in your life. Plus it's a way for parents to build that relationship of trust so that when they get older they will respect you.

Gayle J. Randall said...

Once again, what a great Mom you are! This could be some of the most important time you spend with your children.

Melissa said...

Super fun! He's such a cutie guy. I love what you learned about the ketchup and sweet and sour mix up.

Carrie said...

I keep thinking about this with our kids, but it never happens. I think the kids would really appreciate it. You get the great mom award!