Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I can do hard things!

I can do hard things! That has been my motto for the last week. After years of trying, I finally got up enough courage to conquer two of my biggest phobias - water and swimming suits. This past week I took swimming lessons with my good friend, Winnie Miller. We decided if we did it together, it might not be so bad. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't what I got.
My first fear was swimming suit shopping and then wearing it in public. I know, for most people, it's not so bad. For me, I think I have built it up in my mind for so long that it really was a huge fear. I'm pretty sure I bought the most modest swimming suit I could find. In fact, I discovered it was too modest with too much fabric which created drag and was hard to swim in. If anyone knows how to alter swimming suits, let me know!
My second fear is water. I do okay in swimming pools, but I cannot, cannot, cannot go into open water. I've never had a bad experience in a lake or ocean, so I guessing I was just born with this unexplainable fear of water. Having said that, I still really don't like pools. If I don't have to put my face in the water, I do okay, but I knew that if I really want to swim, I needed to get over that phobia. It was difficult, but I kept telling myself that I can do hard things.
I wasn't expecting to play motor boat or blow bubbles in class, but I wasn't expecting to swim laps with side breathing the first class either. Our teacher pushed us pretty hard. We got a great work-out every night (lessons were from 9-10pm). I'm still building up my lung capacity and my strokes need improving, but I can see a remarkable difference in just one week. Now, I just need to do my side breathing and actual breath in air and not water. Yikes, I sucked in a bunch of water this past week. But, I'm getting better and I am determined to keep improving. I am quite proud of myself and I'm actually starting to enjoy it even though I am sore in places I didn't even know existed! Wish me luck!
PS - no pictures of me swimming; you will have to get your chuckles somewhere else today.


Winnie said...

You totally rock! I think you not only confronted your fears, you smashed them to pieces! I'm so glad I did this with you.

Did you just say, you kind of enjoy it?!? I still need to work on that.

I'm sore too.

Ford Fam said...

I had no idea you were so afraid of swimming, I just thought you didn't like it. Wait to conquer your fears!

Michelle Kelly said...

I'm glad you want to conquer your fears now instead of when you are 90. I admire you for that. Maybe your next step is the olympics? :) Just kidding.

Carrie said...

First, Way to go! I'm impressed!
Second, I think most people DO have a fear of wearing a swimsuit in public, me included.
I'm going to try and get over my fear of taking 4 kids to the pool. My in-laws are all going tonight, so I guess I'll give it a try. I keep saying no, but my kids would love it. I'm working on my calm breathing.

Melissa said...

You go girl! You can totally do hard things and do them a lot! I'm so glad you and Winnie did this and I hope you're able to continue conquering!

Leslie said...

What a great story! I'm am right there with you on the water fear...drowning is my worst fear on earth. Open water might as well be The Black Hole. You are so brave...you're an amazing example, but I'm not sure I will be able to follow it. Good luck and Great Job!

Gayle J. Randall said...

I'm so proud of you, Tresa. I think Dad and I have to take some responsibility for your fear. We didn't give you as many swimming lessons as we did the other kids. I think we just were trying to figure out where to go and how to you there when we didn't live very close to the pool. Anyway, thanks for transcending our "parent mistake" and conquering your fear. You are setting a great example for your children. Love, Mom and Dad