Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer Sewing

When I started my crafty blog a year ago I had great hopes of documenting every project I completed. Yeah, right. After kids, house, church callings, car pooling, etc, etc, etc, my list of completed projects is quite quickly dwindling to almost nothing. I have plenty of great ideas in my head, but nothing to show for it. I'm trying to get signed up for Pinterest to organize all my 'someday projects' so they don't have to be floating around in my head, but I'm running into some snags. You have to have a Facebook account. To most people that would be no big deal. But, I have shunned Facebook - determined never to join because I don't need one more computer thing to do. (And, I don't need everyone telling me I need to do it and how great it is. I believe you, I just don't have the time for it. When I finally get it working and actually do start using it, you can all tell me, "I told you so.") Well, I did join Facebook and I must not be as intelligent as the average five year old who can figure it out, because I'm having issues getting it to work. And to top it off, Pinterest isn't recognizing my Facebook account. All of that for nothing! Do you see why I'm not getting anything done - stupid computer! And, last night I found out that Blurb lost my almost completed 2008 Fowler Family Fun blog book. Not happy.
Wow - I'm more frustrated than I thought! Any way, back to summer sewing. Rather than post this on my now defunct DONE blog, I'll be posting my projects here because it is a major accomplishment to actually finish something in the chaos of my life.
I don't sew all my kids clothes, but I do like to do something for them every season. Boys clothes are hard. I'm not sewing jeans or t-shirts, so that leaves me with jammies. Enoch still (barely) fits into his summer jammies from last year, so that was done. When we pulled out the hand-me-downs from Gavin I realized that the t-shirts were fine, but the shorts were literally falling off of Enoch. He is just really skinny. He needs the length of a size six shorts, but his waist fits a 2T-3T short. After searching every store I could think of and still coming up with nothing, I tackled the project of making him shorts. I found a really great, free pattern on line and went to work.
Enoch had fun helping me pick out some of the fabric. He hates plaid (which is what is really in right now) so we had to be creative. I think they turned out great. After the third pair I was on a roll and they go together very easily. I think Enoch will be getting some pants out of the same pattern in the fall.

I decided to make some tags for the kid's clothes this year(maybe they won't look so homemade then?). I let the kids pick out their own design and then transferred it onto bias tape. Kate picked out a pretty pink flower. Enoch picked out a tornado design. Yep, this is the NASA warning for tornadoes. I think it's hilarious - and very Enoch.

Kate is easier to sew for because they are so many patterns out there for little girls. I wanted to do something that wasn't all pink because Greg is, "sick of seeing her in pink. Can't she wear some other color?" She looks great in blues and yellows so I did some clothes in those colors.

I made this shirt out of an old shirt of mine and the yoga skirt from a clearance XL t-shirt from Wal-Mart. The skirt really isn't that snug, it's just the way she is standing.

I really like this shirt, but she doesn't wear it much because it is white. I love the pattern and will make more using different fabric next time. The capris were shorts I made for Enoch and reduced the hip a bit too much. Since Enoch and Kate have the same waist size, they became capris for Kate.

And a pink dress, just because.


Michelle Kelly said...

So cute. Those shorts look like they were bought at the store, I'm so impressed.

k8theriver said...

blurb is not that easy to use and it takes forever. i am so sorry they lost your book. that is very frustrating!

Gayle J. Randall said...

I am so sad about all your computer struggles! Computers can really teach us a lot about patience and learning to control our temper! :) Love all of your sewing projects! I think the labels are genius and I love the tornado one! Keep sewing, and don't give up on computers!