Sunday, July 31, 2011

Call the Fashion Police!

I've never been accused of being in the know when it comes to fashion, but I'm pretty sure we are breaking about ten different rules here.
When Greg and I gathered the kids for our Sunday morning walk, this is how Enoch and Kate were dressed. Oh well. Not too many people are out at 8:30 am today.

Enoch is wearing shorts and a shirt that don't match, along with his Junior Ranger sash (that he insisted he get so he can be like Gavin and have his patches sewn onto a Scout sash). Enoch and Kate are also wearing their new Crocs boots. These were supposed to be saved for school when it rained or snowed, but the kids love them so much they couldn't wait. I think they are great!

I guess when you are six and three, you can get away with this!

1 comment:

Gayle J. Randall said...

I think the fashion police would say that there is a new trend about to start. I think the Crocs company would love it! We just love the "trendsetters."