Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our First Peaches

WOW! Our peaches are so beautiful and big. This is the first year our peach tree has produced and it was worth the wait. In the spring, I thinned out our fruit trees and probably pulled off a little too many peaches. But, the 15 peaches we do have are so big and juicy. It is like eating candy. Yummy!
We have been enjoying fresh peaches every day, peach crisp and peach cobbler. I'll admit, I like them more than anyone else, but Gavin and Enoch will eat a few. Greg doesn't like peaches and Kate is being a bit picky about them too (sometimes she will eat them and sometimes not).
PS - Our apple tree is producing like crazy. Good thing we love apples!


Carrie said...

Those are big! I think the picky thing must be an age thing. Ava will love something one day, and not touch it the next.

Michelle Kelly said...

I love peaches, send any you don't want my way. I'm impressed with the size too!!

Ariana said...

Holy huge! What variety are those?

k8theriver said...

how could someone not like peaches? i want to eat those for breakfast. right now.

Unknown said...

WOW don't have anything like that here in Kenya-The look really good- Great-Grandpa Randall would really be impressed-save some for us next year

Love DAD, Elder Randall, or ME

Ford Fam said...

oh, I am super jealous and impressed. I have to buy them by the boxes for our family! Carson calls them a delicious peach. Looks super yummy!

Gayle J. Randall said...

They are so beautiful and they are made even more beautiful by the fact that they come from your own trees. What fun to enjoy the fruits of your labor! They have fresh peaches in the store here in Kenya. If I remember right, they were close to 10 dollars a pound! There were signs saying not to handle them very much because they were so fragile and expensive! How I wish you could whisk one of yours away directly to us!