Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Enoch Reading to Kate

I don't dare take a picture because I know it will ruin the moment. I'll describe the scene to you. Kate and Enoch are sitting in our big 'reading' chair in the family room (we call it our reading chair because that is where Mom sits when she reads to you). Kate brought Enoch a big stack of her favorite books and Enoch sat down next to her and is 'reading' the books to Kate. He really can't read yet, but he has the books memorized almost word for word. Kate is mesmerized. Enoch lets her turn the pages, feel the different textures in her touch and feel books, and does different voices for the different characters. They are both loving it!
Enoch is an amazing brother. Kate loves him so much. They are the best of friends (most of the time!).


Ariana said...

Haha! That's great!! Especially the voices. :)

Gayle J. Randall said...

You don't need to take a picture because I can see it all in my head (and my heart). Such a sweet picture of an older brother serving his little sister. He'll be protecting her and looking out for her all his life. And someday he may bring his missionary companion home to meet his little sister and then we'll see what happens. Another way to "serve." :)

k8theriver said...

what a good brother.

Unknown said...

A little slow responding, but what a great description of the grand kids Tresa. That is great that they are forming these times together. No opportunity for me to grow up with Brothers and Sisters. I know it can be hard sometimes, but they will remember it. LOVE DAD