Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Enoch really needs a pet!

Today Enoch found a new pet. Scary, I know (since his last pet was a worm). This is even better. His new pet - a lizard, a DEAD lizard. He found this mini lizard (2 inches long) in the backyard. He cried for 20 minutes when I absolutely refused to let him keep it as his pet. What am I going to do with this kid?
We are actually (Enoch's new favorite word) thinking about getting a chinchilla. We have read that if you get them at babies, they domesticate fairly well. Let us know what you know about these little guys. They are super cute, but we want to be able to play with it. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


Gayle J. Randall said...

Sorry, no advice about chinchillas. I can tell you that mink make horrible pets! (Spoken by one who knows!)Jarom had gerbils once, but his mother did not take good care of them while he was at Scout camp. They were new, in his room, and I just forgot. Don't tell Enoch what happened. One was okay, but . . . (I had nightmares about it for years after that.)

Michelle Kelly said...

Dave says they stink REALLY bad, he says they smell like gerbils. He said his friend has a few of them and their whole house stunk. My advice would be to get a little dog :) You already have the doggy door :)

Carrie said...

We have a untrained (my fault) pug I'd might be willing to send your way. :) J/K... or maybe...

Denise said...

What about some fish? They seem just as exciting as a pet worm.

Unknown said...

would a private trip to the pet store help out (with out Enoch of course). Some of those if taken out of the cage will get lost for good in the house sometimes?? Tuff call unless you want to go with a SMALL dog-look on line and see what other people have had success with

Love Grandpa Randall