Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The fruits of our labors

For the second year, our family participated in the Neighborhood Garden. We have had a great year with more than enough produce for our family.

In the spring, Greg put together the watering system. He did a great job. Unfortuntely, the water pressure isn't great and so watering the garden is a bit of a pain. Every family takes two turns a season and it takes most of the day to water half of the garden. Greg took care of our family watering turns and did most of the weeding. What a guy! We had the melon row and it consistently looked the best of all the rows. Greg really stepped up and did a great job with the garden.
We had picking days on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm and Saturdays at 7:30 am. The kids loved picking days because they could play with their friends at the garden. We always had enough babysitters for Kate (all the girls love playing with her). This night, Kate found some mud and had lots of fun.
We have had corn, beans, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, onions, canteloupe, and Crenshaw melon. Everything was so delicious. Enoch loves corn on the cob and the Crenshaw melon was amazing.
I froze 15 quarts of corn and 8 cups of blended squash. I also canned 7 pints of tomatoes for salsa and 30 1/2 pints of pizza sauce.


Michelle Kelly said...

Thanks for the invite to can the salsa! I wish you would have called me. We have so many tomatoes I just give them all away. Next time you can let me know, I need to learn how to can.

Ariana said...

Holy pizza sauce, Batman! :-) What a haul! I love gardens... and 500 extra points to Greg for helping with the work. Let's just say Jeff's not so into that part. Or the picking part. He just likes the eating part. haha

Gayle J. Randall said...

What a way to "follow the prophet." President Kimball used to always encourage families to have a garden. I think he would be very proud of you--as am I! Good job with all the canning, too! You're setting such a good example for your children! I'll be home next year to help you with it!

Carrie said...

Our TINY garden was a bust this year. Well, truthfully, it's a bust every year.
I'm calling you when I have a pizza sauce emergency. :)

Ford Fam said...

Okay I was jealous before, but now I am super jealous of your garden and all your planning. I'm with Michelle, lets plan a day for a canning day. I want to do it but don't know how!!!