Monday, September 21, 2009


Tonight for our FHE activity we had an apple picking party. Our apple tree was loaded this year. The apples were starting to rot and the birds were having a feast. We picked our tree clean and had a great time doing it. We had been enjoying fresh apples all summer (almost every time I went outside there was an half-eaten apple in the lawn or on the trampoline). I had also used about 80 apples for my Caramel Apple Butter earlier this month.

For dessert I made Caramel Apple Dumplings. They were amazing; very sweet. Try them out!


Michelle Kelly said...

Yummy!! Kate looks so cute on the tramp eating her apple.

Ford Fam said...

Looks yummy, you forgot to include the recipe!!!!

Gayle J. Randall said...

What a memorable fall family activity! I may make the apple dessert the next time we have family home evening at our apartment! Great job, Fowler Family! I agree with Michelle's comment!

Unknown said...

Wow-- that apple stuff looks really good-Almost like the stuff they use to sell during Christmas in North Ogden. That good fruit cake pudding stuff or something. Save some for when we get home. LOVE DAD