Sunday, February 22, 2015

Scattered Thoughts

1.  Guard loves helping Greg make his lunch in the mornings.  Usually Guard is in charge of getting the ice packs from the freezer and the chocolate milk packet from the pantry.  But today, Guard was up early and decided to pack Greg's entire lunch.  Let's see - looks like Greg got some Nutri-grain bars, fishy crackers (in and out of a cup) and a can of pumpkin spice hot chocolate.  Yummy!  Greg is one lucky dad!
2. This week in my Primary class we had King Benjamin visit (Greg).  I brought my box of scripture costumes and let the kids decide if they wanted to dress up for our visitor.  They were so excited!  All the kids picked out their clothes, put them on and were so respectful for our visitor, who was also in authentic gear.  They are such a cute class.
3.  Lately, Kate has been very concerned that she doesn't have a sister.  She keeps telling me (almost daily) that she needs a sister because she has too many brothers.  While I understand her pain and concern, I try to tell her as nicely as possible that she isn't going to have a sister.  I've tried to do more fun girl things with her, just the two of us (and sometimes Guard, who gets dragged along.  Last time Guard said, "I hate girls!  Its a no win at our house.)  I wish things were different for Kate, but really, its not a bad deal being the only girl.  Someday she will appreciate it.

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