Saturday, February 21, 2015

CupKate Party

Kate had a hard time deciding what she wanted to do for her birthday this year.  My kids only get friend parties every other year, so they want to make sure it is good.  She thought about swimming, she thought about the space center, she thought about Airborne.  She finally decided to have a party at home.  A cupcake party - or rather a cupKate party.
 After weeks of planning on my part, the party was finally here.  Thank goodness.  I think this may be the last time I plan a party for home.  It is so much work to come up with enough activities to entertain kids for two hours!
We started with a light breakfast of muffins and strawberry smoothies.
we decorated aprons with fabric markers,
we made cupcake liner initial crafts,
we decorated mini cupcakes (each girl had 15 cupcakes with their own cup of frosting and sprinkles - not a big fan of community frosting bowls with all the licking going on),
we played have Kate eat the cupcake with each girl coloring their own cupcakes (pin the tail on the donkey),
we  played cupcake bingo,
we colored cupcakes,
we opened presents,
and while the girls played outside for a bit, I packaged up all their decorated cupcakes to take home.
It was a bit exhausting.
But, the girls all had a fabulous time and Kate was very happy with her party, so it was worth it!

1 comment:

Gayle J. Randall said...

So clever! What cute ideas! Happy Birthday, Kate!