Saturday, February 7, 2015

Scattered Thoughts on Guard

1.  The other day after Guard went potty and flushed and washed, I told him, "You are such a big boy!" with a big smile on my face.  Guard gave me a big hug and said, "You a big boy too, Mom!"

2.  This morning, Greg took the kids to the doggie wash to bathe Coal - she is stinky!  Guard had never been to the doggie wash and he was very intrigued as to what Greg was doing with Coal.  When Coal hopped into the big sink, Guard finally figured it out and wanted to get in with her.  Greg told Guard he couldn't because his clothes would get wet.  He set Guard on the floor and started washing Coal.  A few seconds later, Kate and Enoch started laughing.  Greg turned around and Guard was stripped down to his undies and trying to take those off too.  He really wanted to get in with Coal!
He had gone to so much work getting his clothes off, that Greg threw him in with the dog.  Guard got a little spray and he really loved the blow dryer.  He kept telling Greg, "Again, again, again!".  Crazy kid!

3.  We have finally moved Guard out of his crib.  I mean, really, this kid is almost three!  He's been climbing out of his crib for years now.  It was time!
Greg made another amazing bed.  It looks great!  We spend some time putting it together today, buying a mattress and taking the box springs to the dump because we didn't need them and I didn't want them just sitting around for the next year.
Guard was so excited!  He wanted to go to bed at 7:30.  We got him in bed, and of course, he didn't stay, but he was still excited to lay in his bed and jump on his bed and climb up and down (he has to have a step stool!).
He did eventually calm down.  He played very hard today (65 degree weather in February!) and he was exhausted.  He held still and finally quieted down.
He looks so small in his huge bed!  Even Bear has a place to sleep.
I checked on mlater that night.  He wasn't in bed.  He was asleep in the loft, where he has slept for the last month.  I guess a new bed takes a bit of getting used to when you are two.

1 comment:

Gayle J. Randall said...

A "big boy" bed sure makes him look like a "little boy." He is surely growing up, though! Love you, Mr. Guard!