Sunday, February 8, 2015


Unfortunately, Valentine's Day gets a bit overlooked at our house.  It's sandwiched between two birthdays, we are already overloaded on sugar from Enoch's birthday and Mom is stressed trying to do birthdays.  We still do try to do some fun things, but it's not quite the same.
Today for FHE we talked about ways we know that Jesus love us.  I really want my children to recognize this in their lives.  I don't want to just assume that they know this.  We have to talk about it.
We also made tissue paper Valentine hearts to hang in the windows.  We glued small tissue paper squares to contact paper, cut them into hearts and laminated them.  (I love my laminator - how did I go so long without one?!)
The kids had a great time and made some good-looking hearts!
We made enough for our family, the Fords, the Kellys, Uncle Jarom and Beth and Grandma and Grandpa Randall.  Theirs came back from the pouch, so we will just give them to them in May when they come home for Uncle Jarom's wedding.  Surprise!
They look so fun hanging in the window.  It makes me happy to see them.
Love you all!

1 comment:

Gayle J. Randall said...

Thank you so much for thinking of us! My fault about the pouch-I didn't leave good instructions! What a wonderful Family Home Evening!