Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sewing for Cheesy

About a month ago, I got out the baby clothes to see what treasures were hidden in that big Rubbermaid box labeled 'Newborn'.  Very few treasures, I discovered.  I found a few cute outfits I remembered, but I also found a lot of old, scratchy, faded, stained sleepers.  These things were coming up on being 14 years old!  Time to get rid of them. 
I found a soft fleece baby bag that we were given when Enoch was born.  It was so warm and handy and I remember using it a lot.  Greg is the one who gets up with baby and changes him before I feed him at night and Greg loves the sleep bags, so I decided to pick up some more.  Umm - those things are around $25!  For jammies!  I can totally make those myself.
So I did.  I used the sleep bag we had for a pattern and went to work.  I decided that I wouldn't buy any fabric and only use what I already had (they are just jammies and my sewing room is bursting).  It's amazing how much fleece I collected when I really don't sew with it that much - some on sale here, on clearance there and I had stocked up on fleece.  The only things I had to buy were zippers and I did splurge and get some cute little robot appliques.
They went together quickly and I am very happy with how they turned out (and the fact that I used up a lot of fleece).  I hope they fit!
After I was done cutting and sewing fleece, I had a bag of scraps.  You know me, I can't throw away fabric.  I cut the scraps into squares and added some scraps of minky I had saved from other projects.  I happened upon some great robot fleece in the clearance bin, and I had a fun, inexpensive quilt.  I think we will use it as an outdoor quilt for this summer.  If this baby is anything like my others, he will love being outside.


Michelle Kelly said...

Cute Cute!

real-life said...

Those are awesome. Great job, and I love the blanket--so soft and warm.

Carrie said...

You are so good! Love the robots. I haven't sewn anything since... i don't remember.