Sunday, February 12, 2012


Seven?  How did that happen?  Just the other day I was telling Enoch that it was rainy and cold on the day he was born; he has been my sunshine every since.  And it didn't seem like seven years ago!
My sweet Enoch.  What a blessing he has been to our family.  So full of laughter, love and happiness.  Enoch truly understands joy.
 He has become quite a perfectionist lately.  This seems to me to be such a switch in his personality, but maybe not.  He has always liked things a certain way and now he is independent enough to make it happen.  If things aren't working properly or the way he wants it to, he fixes it.  What a great talent to have.  He isn't intimidated by much and really does think that he can do anything.  He sounds quite a bit like his Grandpa Fowler.  Have you seen the BYU Independent Study commercials that say "It's not about who is going to let you, it's who is going to stop you."?  Words to live by according to Enoch and Grandpa Dee.  I'm good with that.
Having your birthday on Sunday isn't the best, but Enoch was a good sport.  He did get sung to in Primary on his birthday, so that was fun.  We rushed to church at 9am, came home, ate lunch, cleaned up and finally had time to open presents before Mom and Dad's Cub Committee Meeting and Gavin's two firesides.  Busy birthday.
Enoch has been so into Legos lately.  I'm a bit frustrated that I spend a ton of money on a huge Lego set and he has it together in a couple of hours, but he loves it.  We tried to get him an extra-big set and a few smaller sets to keep him busy.
Enoch also opened a giant Styrofoam airplane.  He has already put it together and can't wait for the weather to dry out so he can fly it outside.
For dinner, Enoch picked out one of his favorites - meat loaf and mashed potatoes.  Mom threw in some broccoli and jello with whipped cream (guess which one Enoch liked best?)
Since we didn't have time to measure Enoch in the morning, we did it before bed (hopefully that didn't skew the results).  Enoch has grown a little over two inches this past year (I could have guessed that in the way his jeans are fitting!).
Happy Birthday, Enoch.  We love you so much!

1 comment:

Gayle J. Randall said...

Your description of Enoch is exactly right. You know him so well. That is the Enoch that we know and love. Happy Birthday, Enoch!