Monday, July 5, 2010

Kate's Big Girl Bed

Kate was so excited to get her big girl bed! She has been climbing out of her crib for about a year. Now she will stand up on the top bar, stand straight up and jump. I knew it was time for something else.
Kate and I went out earlier in the week and looked around a few stores. Greg, Kate and I went to Ikea today and found this lovely bed. Kate loves it and I think it is very pretty and girly. We spent the day setting it up. Kate was a bit upset when Greg started taking down her crib, but we talked up her bed and by nighttime she was very excited.
She did very well sleeping in her bed. She loves it. I think she looks so small curled up in a big bed.
PS - I'm working on her new quilt now. Stay tuned.


Michelle Kelly said...

I love her bed and her cute room!!

Angela said...

So cute. Man, I love IKEA.

Gayle J. Randall said...

I love her little table and chairs almost as much as the bed! But I don't love any of them as much as I love her!