Saturday, July 24, 2010


This week for our reading, we read the Magic School Bus about volcanoes. It was quite interesting and we all learned something. Enoch really enjoyed learning about how new volcanoes are created. We read a chapter or two every morning along with our jobs. We also looked at pictures of extinct volcanoes in Utah (Enoch really want to visit them in person, but they are all in Southern Utah) and watched live video feed from the Kilauea volcano in Volcanoes National Park in Hawaii. Kilauea wasn't doing much while we watched, but is was still fun for the kids to see it.
One morning we read about plate tectonics. We used our hands to demonstrate how the plates shift, crash together or pull apart to create volcanoes. Enoch really was fascinated by it. Later than day we made oatmeal chocolate bars. I dished one up for Enoch and gave it to him. He said, "Mom, look at this. The oatmeal part is like plates. See how they split apart and the magma (chocolate) is coming up through the crust to make a volcano?" I'm so happy to see my kids learning and applying things to their lives!
Our big activity was building our own volcano. We created ours our of paper maiche and a Gatorade bottle. It didn't take too long to put it together, but the drying time just about killed Enoch. He was so anxious to erupt it.
The kids wanted to paint to purple with blue dots. Okay, whatever.
We erupted it today with an audience of friends. Greg did the honors of pouring the vinegar into the baking soda. The kids loved it. It didn't explode out of the cone like a Philian volcano, but was slow-erupting like a Hawaiian volcano (see, even I learned something!). It was a great ending to our volcanoes book. I wonder what we will read next?


Ford Fam said...

As usual, you make me strive to be a better mom. Look how crafty, creative, and patient you are. I am so glad I have someone like you to look up to and copy!

Carrie said...

Wow! what a mom! While in Oregon we stayed near a few volcanoes. The two older kids went with my dad to the lava cave (I skipped it this year). It's really cool. Underground tunnel crated by a lava river a long time ago. and then they went to the top of an inactive volcano and looked around.

real-life said...

Ok I love the picture of all our kids lined up oldest to youngest. It's so cute and to know they probably didn't plan that at all! Your volcano turned out a lot better than ours, maybe a little more patience on your part--who knows. Thanks for the fun ideas.

Gayle J. Randall said...

Amazing! What a clever Mom you are! Perhaps we have two budding geologists in the family, now. No matter what they know they have a mother who loves them and cares enough to spend time teaching them. I'm proud of you!