Monday, July 5, 2010

Funny Enoch

A few things Enoch said today:

1. While doing a maze in his Lego magazine:

"Mom, I got out of my unstuckedness! I did it!"

2. Greg and Kate like to play a game that goes like this: Greg says, "Who's my Kate?" Kate yells, "Me, me, me!" Then Kate runs to Greg and jumps up and down until Greg picks her up and smothers her in kisses and hugs.
Today I was teasing Kate.

Greg, "Who's my Kate?"
Tresa, "I am!"
Kate, "No, me!"
Enoch, "Mom, you're not Dad's Kate. You're Dad's honey!"

3. Kate and Enoch were supposed to be picking up some Styrofoam in the front yard and putting it in the garbage can. Enoch came to the window and yelled,

"Kate is glittering!"

Really, she was throwing the Styrofoam around and not picking up and Enoch was tattling that Kate was littering. Hmmm. Greg wondered if Kate had turned into a vampire!


Gayle J. Randall said...

How we love Enoch! He makes our lives so much more interesting! Thanks for blogging about it! These are memories that are easily forgotten.

Carrie said...

It's funny what kids hear and say. Funny kids!

Danny, Vanessa, + Jane said...

You have such cute kids! I hope that my kids turn out as funny (and cute) as yours are. Enoch is such a funny kid, he makes me laugh! :)