Sunday, July 25, 2010

Don't Leave Her!

Let me preface this by saying it has been a really, really long day!

Tonight we were leaving a family birthday party when Kate decided to throw a fit about getting in her car seat. She was really kicking and screaming. You know, when you basically have to karate chop your kid to get them into their seat. Finally, Greg just gave up. He set Kate outside the car, told her if she wouldn't get buckled in that she could stay there, closed the door and started the car. Please tell me we aren't the only parents who have done this. I know it's totally ineffective discipline, but we were both at our wit's end tonight.
Kate, of course, was screaming and crying. When Enoch realized what was happening, he completely freaked out. He was screaming and yelling louder than Kate, "Don't leave her, Don't leave her, Don't leave my Kate!" He was crying and yelling at Greg, "If you leave her here, I need to be with her." While I was still frustrated from the entire episode, I was very touched by how much Enoch was worried and scared for Kate. He was willing to be left too so he could take care of her.
Enoch and Kate are best buddies. They spend most of their time together. They play together and fight together. They laugh and giggle together. They love each other. They look out for each other. One will seem a bit lost when the other is away for a long time. I'm quite concerned about Enoch leaving Kate to go to Kindergarten. I hope Kate survives. What a blessing they are for each other.


Gayle J. Randall said...

I'm with Enoch! Don't leave her! But, I have to say, I've used the same tactic many times. I always wished that I had an older brother. I always wished that you girls had one, too! Lucky, lucky Kate! What a great brother Enoch is.

Winnie said...

I've done the same thing. What a sweet boy Enoch is, that is for sure a story to share for Kate's wedding dinner.

Great Dane said...

This is one of the those special moments / tender mercies of the Lord that come exactly when you need them.

Carrie said...

We've done that, too! Enoch is a sweet brother. kate can come play with Ava while the boys are at school. However, I'm hoping she will still be taking naps at that time. Crossing my fingers.

Michelle Kelly said...

Enoch is so sweet and I love watching them play. Enoch can make Kate laugh like nobody else can.