Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kate is 1/2 year old!

Today is Kate's 6 month birthday. Sometimes it seems like she was born a few weeks ago and sometime it seems like she has been with us for more than 6 months. She is such a cute little thing and we love her immensely. Her brothers can't get enough of her smiles and laughs and love to hold her. They fight over feeding her, playing with her and holding her. What a lucky girl! Some words to describe her are fun, moody, adorable, emotional, wiggly, spoiled, smart, tolerant and happy. Every time I tell her she is cute, Greg reminds her that she is also smart and kind (because being cute isn't the most important thing!).
She still loves to be held and is not in any rush to grow up. She is rolling over from her back to tummy and is getting her knees up under her. She still won't roll over from her tummy to her back, but my kids don't really do that until they are crawling. She loves to talk and more than one stranger in Target or Macey's has commented that she is quite chatty. We love it except when she is screaming in her high-pitched girly shriek (which really does make your brain rattle in your head).
She is growing well and loves her peaches and does okay with rice cereal and applesauce; she does not like bananas at all. She wants to eat what we eat and Greg has already fed her frozen yogurt, lime and Cheerios. At her 6-month check today she weighed in at 16 lbs. 9 ozs. and is 26.25 inches tall. We love her strawberry blond hair, long eyelashes, giggles and smiles, her sweet spirit and we are constantly blessed to have her in our family.


Michelle Kelly said...

I love Kate's beautiful long eyelashes!! I have the cutest nieces ever, I don't care what anybody else says.

shana said...

She is so cute! To me it seems like you just had her--she should be 2 months old in Shana time!

Winnie said...

I agree with Shana, it's gone by too quickly. She's a beauty alright.
Just as a point of reference, Rachel was 14 and a half pounds when she was 15 months old.

Melissa said...

Happy 1/2 Birthday cute girl! Um, I mean smart and kind girl!

Ford Fam said...

Cute! I can't believe the girls are so old!! We have Brynnley's appointment tomorrow so I am anxious to see how they stack up!

Leslie said...

She really is a beautiful little girl. I have loved having two boys and then a girl too, but I'm jealous that your boys seem to adore their little sister where as mine get annoyed that their sister is such a "girl."

Stefanie said...

Happy Half Birthday Kate! This is such a cute picture of her! She's growing up too fast