Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Harry Potter!

I realize this might seem odd to many people out there, but true Harry Potter fans will completely understand. Every year on Jul 31, we celebrate Harry Potter's special day. We usually watch a Potter movie (only choosing from the first three because after that they are rated PG-13). This year we watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (fast-forwarding through the scary werewolf parts for Enoch's sake). We also ate treacle fudge and pumpkin milkshakes. The shakes were a hit (made from frozen bananas, orange juice, vanilla ice cream, milk and a bit of pumpkin). The treacle fudge was not so great. I think the molasses threw everyone off; when you think of fudge you think chocolate and treacle fudge is not so chocolately!
Thanks for everyone who participated in our poll. The winner was book 3: The Prisoner of Azkaban. For that one person (and I know who you are!), seriously, it's time to read the books! They are great, we love them, they make you laugh, you can't put them down, keeps you on the edge of your seat and all the other cliches about fantastic books!
We can't wait until the next movie comes out this winter (although we all know they aren't quite the same as the books). It is quite depressing not to be able to look forward to another book, we'll have to console ourselves with reading and rereading books 1-7.

Book 1: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
1 (6%)
Book 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
0 (0%)
Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
5 (33%)
Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
3 (20%)
Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
0 (0%)
Book 6: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
3 (20%)
Book 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows or Harry Potter Goes Camping
2 (13%)
Who's Harry Potter?
1 (6%)


Michelle Kelly said...

How fun!! I love that your family loves Harry Potter and reads all the books as a family. That's a fun tradition. I'm also glad you fast forward through the scary parts for Enoch :) He is such a cute kid!! And Gavin knows the books forwards and backwards, he's so smart.

Ford Fam said...

Who doesn't love the potter! I saw the movie preview, looks super dark, but still so good! Your harry potter treats sounds so much fun!

Melissa said...

I'm glad your Potter Party was fun and I think you must be a terrific mom to do that with your kids! I'm sorry the treacle fudge wasn't such a huge hit, but it still sounds very appropriate! And, in case I'm that one person you're thinking of, I promise to read the books - someday!

Stefanie said...

HA!!! So there are TWO people that you know that haven't read the books---how do you know it was ME???? LOL!

After I finish the Stephenie Meyer books----I'll THINK about HP books, k?? Not enough time to read as I'd like! You're always doing fun things with the kids---wish I had that great of an imagination!!