Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is sadly overlooked in our home. We have Enoch's birthday on February 12 and Kate's on the 19 and this year I have Cub Scout Blue & Gold Banquet on the 17, so I'm doing good to even remember Valentine's Day (I did almost forget to send Enoch's cards and suckers with him to school! That would have been a disaster!).
Since we are on sugar overload from birthdays, we skipped any sweet treats and just had a nice dinner of salmon, rice and breaded broccoli. I did make some chocolate dipped strawberries and they were a big hit. Gavin and Kate absolutely love them.

After dinner we read Huggly's Valentines. My kids love the Huggly books. They are now out of print so we had to order one from an online used bookstore. Greg and I had a laugh when the book came. We only paid a penny for it (plus $3 shipping), so it wasn't a huge expense. We ordered a 'good' condition book. It arrived with a special Valentine sticker note to Hannah from Sean stuck on the front. That sticker will not budge. So, thank you Hannah for giving up your Huggly book for us.

It was a low-key day, but still fun to remember those we love!


Gayle J. Randall said...

Low-key Valentines Days are just fine in my book. We had one, too. I cleaned out the fridge. :) We had waffles and sausage for dinner because I wanted to use up the sausage and buttermilk in the fridge. I also made an apple crisp with some leftover apple pie filling in the fridge. However, I did put it in heart shaped pans. Woo hoo for me! And Dad and I ate it while we watched a romantic Hallmark movie. Low-key, but very enjoyable.

Carrie said...

Valentine's Day is not the most celebrated holiday at our house either. And we don't have any birthdays in Feb., I just don't love V-day. The kids got all the candy at school, and that was enough.