Thursday, February 17, 2011

Does Your House Ever Look Like This?

I like having my house clean, but I'm not willing to loose sleep over it. I try to have it picked up, but I'm finding that harder to do with three kids. Clearly my kids need more instruction on how to pick up after themselves!
In the middle of birthday craziness and Cub Scout Blue & Gold (which I planned dinner for 175 people), my house came last on my list. Obviously.

Geesh. Really, guys. The thing that bothers me the most it that is doesn't bother anyone else in this house. Needless to say, I started getting serious about kid jobs and being more diligent about having the kids help around the house.


Michelle Kelly said...

That is awesome!! Just remember when you only had Gavin and a clean house. I think you will look back and enjoy remembering that you had three kids that loved to play.

Becky said...

Yes, my house does look like that occasionally, and I also wonder why I'm the only one who seems to care. Alex has gotten really good in our marriage, though. He senses that I'm about to get really frustrated with a messy house and he steps up and starts cleaning and vacuuming.