Thursday, January 13, 2011

Weekly Schedule

I haven't posted in a bit. Nothing newsworthy is going on. It's cold - really cold. I'm trying to stay home, but life isn't cooperating with that. I spend more time in my car than at home. I thought I'd record our family schedule for me to look back upon and wish for the good old days.

Monday - Early out day. I swear I just send those kids out the door when they are back home again! I drive Kindergarten pick-up carpool everyday and Carrie brings the kids home.

Tuesday - Enoch has gym class at 3:45. I pick him up from school, he snacks in the car, changes in the backseat when we get to the gym and he is off for an hour. I run errands ALONE! How heavenly. Gavin babysits Kate and they have a great time together. Gavin and Greg have Scouts at 6:30pm.

Wednesday - Gavin has saxophone lessons at 5:30. Luckily, since I'm in the middle of cooking dinner, Greg picks him up at 6, on his way home from work.

Thursday - Kate has gym class at 11 am. She is really loving it. I think we might be changing her day because the class she is in isn't working for her. She is in a 3-6 year old class. The teachers have divided the class into 3-4 year olds and 5-6 year olds. Kate participates with the 5-6 year olds but she is just too short to do all they do. She is way too bored in the 3-4 year old class. We'll see what her teachers want to do.

Friday - This is my day off from running. I try to stay home, but that never works.

I try to run my errands all in one day, but that never happens. I'm usually running errands 2-3 time a week. How pathetic! Add in there homework, cleaning, cooking. laundry, church callings, birthday planning, life and I'm feeling a bit stressed right now!


Winnie said...

I'm tired just reading about your schedule. Go take some deep cleansing breaths and practice savasana.

Gayle J. Randall said...

It all sounds so familiar. This is the life of a mom with children still at home. There may come a day when you'll long for this time when they're all under your roof and you know just what they're doing. It's busy, but it has its perks!