Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Scattered Thoughts

1. Greg and I have new church callings. We were released from Nursery at the end of December. Greg is now working with the Webelos Scouts and I am the Cub Committee Chair. I'm stressed - Pinewood Derby is tomorrow and Blue and Gold Banquet is in February.

2. Enoch is driving me nuts. He is dealing with cabin fever, winter blues and Gavin. Never a good combination. I'm sending him outside whenever the air quality is green. He really hates being inside.

3. We are trying to eat healthy. It's very busy for Mom - preparing food, listening to whining, doing more dishes. However, no one has been sick in January (knock, knock, knock on wood).

4. Gavin earned 9 merit badges at the Court of Honor on Sunday. His favorites were cycling and pulp and paper. He is also a patrol leader. He is doing great in Scouts.

5. Kate is the sweetest girl. She tells me ten times a day, "Mommy, I love you so much." She is not much of a snuggler, but she gives me hugs all day long. I love it!

1 comment:

Gayle J. Randall said...

Love these scattered thoughts. They are the stuff life is made of.