Thursday, December 17, 2009

Enoch's Preschool Christmas Program

We have been looking forward to this night for a long time. Enoch has been practicing his Christmas songs around the house and singing them at the top of his lungs. His favorite is Frosty, the Snowman. He even has Kate singing it. She babbles nonsensical words to the tune. When Enoch sings it he says, "Frosty, the Snow..." and then Kate will say, "man!" It's quite cute.
Enoch was so adorable during the program. He did a great job singing and knew all the words to the songs and the poems. The kids sang six songs and recited three poems. They have worked hard to learn everything.

This video is so funny. Sorry it is so shaky; I couldn't stop laughing! Watch out for flying jingle bells and make sure you're using both hands for balance!
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Gayle J. Randall said...

I LOVED the video! So much fun! I think Enoch is smart to use both hands! You get more strength and power that way. Merry Christmas! Thank you for the performance, Enoch! (And thanks to Mom for filming it!)

Michelle Kelly said...

Hilarious. Enoch looks so big and grown up. Thanks for posting it, I loved it.