Sunday, December 13, 2009

Enoch Thoughts

A few random thought about Enoch lately:

1. I keep losing him. He is never lost, it's Mom who is lost. Enoch always knows exactly where he is. Even scarier, Enoch has no problem being lost; he doesn't worry, freak out or cry. He just wanders. Lucky me!
Last night we decided to Redbox a movie. Kate and I stayed in the warm car, while Greg and Enoch ran inside Smith's to grab a movie. Greg came out about 15 minutes later searching for Enoch. I ran inside just as they were paging Mr. or Mrs. Fowler to the service desk. A kindly gentleman found Enoch wandering in the parking lot and took him back inside. Enoch was sitting at the service desk charming all the girls working there. They gave him hugs good-bye and told him to come back to see them. Good grief! Let's just give this kid a lollipop for running away!
If I had a dollar for every time I lost Enoch, I'd have enough money to hire a nanny to keep track of him!

2. Enoch asked me the other day if Heavenly Father could fly. I really didn't know how to answer. Of course, Heavenly Father could fly if he choose to, but I'm really not sure if he does or not. Enoch was wondering because his helium balloon floated away a few months ago and he wanted Heavenly Father to go get it up in the sky and bring it to him. Enoch was quite serious about this.


Gayle J. Randall said...

I've always known that Enoch was one in a million. (Of course, I could say that about each of my grandchildren). But, I do think Enoch has such a wonderful childlike faith! Keep it alive! He will need it in the wicked world we're in. We all can learn a lot from Enoch. He really IS one in a million.

Ford Fam said...

Wish I had advice about the running away. I can only imagine how scary it is!

Michelle Kelly said...

I wish I could be around Enoch all day just to hear what would come out of his mouth. I bet it is really frustrating though to keep losing him. But he will always come back.

Carrie said...

He's too clever for his own good. Luckily Jimmy does get scared if he gets lost, so he stays pretty close. Ian on the other hand... I loose him pretty much everytime we go to Walmart.
Wandering in the parking lot, though, that's really scary!

Stefanie said...

that reminds me of another little Fowler boy that used to wander around the neighborhood....even stopping to help the Bunkers unload their groceries (and they didn't know who he was). HOpefully it's just a phase that he'll grow out of..and in the meantime...hope you can continue to find him each time he gets "lost". He sure is a cutie