Thursday, November 26, 2009

Up on my Thanksgiving Soapbox

Apparently, Greg and I missed a great Sunday School lesson last Sunday (we were in Nursery). My friend, Ariana, summarized it on her blog. The teacher pointed out that the day is called ThanksGIVING, not ThanksFEELING. I like that; it makes me think. It is wonderful to be thankful for our blessings, but is it enough? How can I show that I am thankful?
Our family has decided to donate some of our Christmas money to the Utah Food Bank. I believe that it is a great organization, which needs extra help this year. If you would like to donate as well, visit their website.

On a lighter note (I'm now climbing down from my soapbox!), we had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I spent the morning baking (rolls and sweet potatoes), Greg put up Christmas lights and the kids did their thing (licking the bowls, climbing the ladder with Dad, teasing each other and watching TV).
We ate a fantastic Thanksgiving meal with the Fowlers. This year was a bit smallish, only us, Grandpa and Grandma and the Palmers. But, we had a great time and the food was incredible. We spent the afternoon playing games with the Palmers and watching old family movies. It was so fun to see Greg as a baby and little boy. We counted the years off by watching Christmas, snowmobiling trip, Round-Up parade then Lake Powell trip; a few birthdays were thrown in occasionally. It was a very fun afternoon.
We came home, watched a movie (Monsters Vs. Aliens) and went to bed. What a great day!


Ford Fam said...

Sounds fun and not too stressful. The best kind of holidays!

Carrie said...

Sounds like a nice day. I missed that lesson, too. Was I in nursery with you that day?

Michelle Kelly said...

Sounds like our Thanksgiving. We put up our christmas lights and baked, well Dave baked and i did the dishes. But the day was relaxing.

Gayle J. Randall said...

So glad you had such a nice day! The home movies sound so fun! I'm sure your children loved seeing them. Making memories is what it's all about. It was fun to talk to you, even if we did interrupt your dinner. Love you!