Thursday, October 28, 2010

Scattered Thoughts

1. A few weeks ago, our family received a toy catalog in the mail. Enoch and Kate got busy right away picking out toys they would like. They sat at the table with a marker circling their favorite toys and labeling them with their initial. They had a lot of fun. They repeated this process daily for 4 days until almost everything in the catalog was circled. They even labeled a few things for Gavin, Mom and Dad. As soon as they lost interest in it, I tossed it in the recycling bin. I hate having paper junk sitting around and I already knew their top 3 toy wishes for Christmas.
Today Enoch asked me where that catalog was. I replied, "I sent it to Santa." "Why?" asked Enoch. "So he would know what you and Kate wanted for Christmas," I answered. Enoch thought for a second and then sighed, "So, you threw it away, huh." Not even a question - a statement. He knows me so well.

2. While folding laundry in my room this afternoon, Kate went into my closet, closed the door and started counting. After a bit, she yelled, "ready or not, here I come!" I wondered who she was playing hide and seek with since Enoch was outside. I wondered if I should be hiding. She popped out of the closet and whispered, "Where are my buddies hiding?" "Who are your buddies?" I asked. "They are my friends. They are very little (holding her fingers about 2 inches apart) and quiet." Ooookay. I told her they were hiding in the family room and off she went. Apparently she found them because an hour later she was having a tea party with them in her room.


Michelle Kelly said...

Hilarious!! I can totally picture Enoch saying that and the look he has on his face. I love Kate's imagination. Every kid needs imaginary friends.

Abe and Emily Durfee said...

Enoch is hilarious! :) I think Kate is so cute with her imagination! Seems like things are going good with the Fowler's. I tell my roommates a few of your blog entries and they love Enoch!

Gayle J. Randall said...

Look out! Enoch is getting too smart for his own good! I hope the "friends" don't eat too much! J/K! Thank you for bringing a smile to my face, Mr. Enoch and Miss Kate!

Carrie said...

Your kids are SO funny!! I love hearing the funny things they come up with.