Friday, October 15, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

This fall has been quite warm and sunny. We thought it was a perfect year to visit the pumpkin patch. My sister told us about a fun patch in South Jordan. It was pretty close and had a huge selection. Enoch was ready to go as soon as we jumped out of the car. Luckily it wasn't too crowded so I could see Enoch as he ran through the field. Kate stayed a bit closer to Dad and Gavin was in charge of the wheelbarrow.
Kate was excited to discover the Cinderella pumpkins. I'm not sure if she really liked the color, but she liked the fact that they were named after a princess.

Enoch wanted a tall pumpkin, then a small pumpkin, then a fat pumpkin, then a huge pumpkin. Finally he found the perfect one, only to have it be a bit squishy. He picked out another one and was quite happy with it.

Gavin just wanted the biggest one he could find that was still round. He did a good job.

I really wanted a fun picture of all the kids in the patch. I was able to snap a few. I love how Gavin and Kate look in the same in all the pictures, but Enoch - well, you know.

It was a beautiful night. The kids had so much fun.

After the patch, we ate dinner at Carl's Jr. and went shopping at Ikea (and then got after the kids all the way home about what little stinks they were at Ikea).


Michelle Kelly said...

What a fun time! I love how enoch is so much fun in every picture.

Gayle J. Randall said...

Some days I really wish we still had our pumpkin patch. Well, for a day maybe, but then I remember that it was work and I decide I like the memory more than the planting, watering, weeding, harvesting and selling. Still, it's all about the memories and they are good ones!