Saturday, October 16, 2010

Enoch's Utah Accent

Enoch has a lot of fun playing with his Leapfrog airplane speller on our fridge. It allows you to spell three letter words and then says the word for you or it will ask you to spell a word and then sings a little ditty when you get it right. Enoch prefers to spell his own words. His favorite to spell - mud, imagine that.
Today he came to me very upset. He sounded out a word, spelled it and the airplane was saying no such word existed. I asked what word he spelled. He answered, "get", and then he used it in a sentence, "I went to get the toy". I checked it out his word on the airplane and just started laughing. Enoch didn't know what was so funny since he knew he had spelled it right. Poor Enoch and his Utah accent. He spelled it out the way he says it. G-I-T. You know, git.
I explained the problem to Enoch. He response, "Well, that's silly. Who says it that way?" Who, indeed? Hopefully this doesn't lead to more problems with his future spelling.


Gayle J. Randall said...

I knew a mother once who was very particular about the spoken language in her home. She was all about proper pronunciation. Her children had extremely good diction. I was very impressed with that. I'm sure it was an uphill battle, though. Don't worry about Enoch's spelling. That will come. Be VERY thankful that he has such good phonics skills. They will help his reading tremendously.

Great Dane said...

Grandpa would be so proud. :)

Carrie said...

Does he also say pellow instead of pillow, or cren instead of crayon? I try really hard to not sound to utahnt. I used to make fun of my friend when she said words like that. :)