Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day 2010

I'll admit, Valentine's get a bit lost in the craziness of birthdays at our house. Add on to that, the boys both think Valentine's is a girl's holiday; they enjoy the candy, but not so much the hearts and love. Greg kept bugging me about what I wanted. I told him to wait and give me a flower bush when we redo our yard this summer rather than a vase of flowers now (which would only make me sneeze).
We decorated sugar cookies. We bundled up and went for a walk. It was a good day.


Michelle Kelly said...

Sounds a lot like ours, we just had a casual valentine's day and didn't do a whole lot with each other the entire weekend because it was mostly family stuff.

Gayle J. Randall said...

At least you had cookies . . . We didn't even have that. Too lazy, I guess. We had a nice quiet Valentines Day, too. Love the pictures of Kate and Greg. We don't see Greg as much in the blog so that was fun. Cute Kate, as always!