Saturday, February 6, 2010

Enoch is Movin' Out

I know that (almost) five is a tad young to be out on your own, but for the last few weeks, Enoch has been telling me every 10 minutes that he, "is leaving the house and never coming back!"
Enoch has always been very independent, mostly through his actions. Lately he is asserting himself through his words. When he is mad he gets angry eyebrows, scrunches up his nose and assumes the pouty position - legs spread, arms tightly folded in front of him and shoulders bunched up. He then informs us he is moving out. Every time he threatens to move out, he gets further away from home.

1. "I'm leaving the house!"
2. "I'm leaving the house and walking far away!"
3. "I'm finding another house to live in!"
4. "I'm finding another family and living with them!"
5. "I'm finding another family and living with them and never coming back!"
6. And today, "I'm going to another planet and living there and there are no moms there!"

We will miss Enoch. I hope he comes home occasionally to visit.


Carrie said...

We got that a lot from Eliza at that age. When she was 3 she ran away. Luckily it was to Marsha Lindsay's. Marsha was nice enough to let her have breakfast with them, and then called me. I didn't even know she was gone. :(
From then on we told her if she left this family the same way she came into it.... naked and with nothing. She hasn't ran away since. I'll let you know if Enoch runs away to our house.

Michelle Kelly said...

What a funny kid. He has no idea how great he really has it!!

Ariana said...

Another planet!! Sweet! Tell him Preston and want to visit him when he figures out how to do that. ;-)

Abe and Emily Durfee said...

That is hilarious! I love little Enoch. :) I'm coming home this weekend and will be going with Grandma to the birthday party on Saturday so I'll probably see you guys then :)