Sunday, January 18, 2015

Scattered Thoughts

1.  We were so excited to have Gavin return home after being in St. Louis for one week.  We missed him and it feels good to have him back with us.  We decorated his door with our New Year's snowflakes and Kate made him a welcome home sign.  Love you, Gavin!
2.  Kate is a great reader, but still learning.  I got her these early chapter books at Costco a few months ago.  She was excited to have them, but not quite sure about reading them yet.  Finally, I forced her to get them out for reading time one day.  Guess what?  She loved them.  She finished one book in two days and was so proud of herself for finishing her first chapter book.  Now, she can't stop reading them, Magic Tree House, Flat Stanley, any chapter book she can find that looks good.  Great job, Kate!
3.  I hate that feeling when we sit down for FHE and I have nothing concrete planned.  Happened this week.  After some fast thinking on my feet, we pulled out the scripture reader, read about Lehi's Dream and they kids recreated it with Legos.  Our great and spacious building got destroyed by Guard before I got a picture.  But, we have a rod of iron, a mist of darkness the people have to travel through and a tree of life.  Not too shabby!

1 comment:

Gayle J. Randall said...

Pure inspiration! Good job, Mom! I am so proud of you!