Monday, June 2, 2014

First Day of Summer

I know that technically summer doesn't start for another three weeks, but it started today at our house. was exhausting.  It always takes me a few weeks to get used to being constantly on call for four kids, one dog and a whole neighborhood of friends.
Today we did jobs, summer homework, sunscreened, bought Sunday sandals, played at the park, went to gym class (Kate's class has been bumped up to 1.5 hours and she is quite tired tonight), played in the kiddie pool in the backyard and whined that we were bored.  Really???!!!  (I'm rolling my eyes right now.)
And then, Guard started throwing up.
Yep, nine times.  And, he clearly didn't learn from our Christmas Break, post stomach flu FHE about what we do when we feel like we are going to throw up.  He kept walking around looking for me, and then would throw up on the carpet.  Every time.  Except the one time he threw up in my bed while watching Thomas the Train.  Finally, I just stopped everything, sent all the friends home and held my sick baby.  Poor little guy.
He went to bed feeling fine.  I hope I'm not up tonight with a cranky, sick boy.
It's going to be a busy, fun summer at our house. will be exhausting.

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