Friday, May 9, 2014

Gavin's Birthday Party

It's been a little while since Gavin has had an official birthday party.  The last few years he has had a couple of friends over for pizza and a movie and that has been good enough for him.  I asked him if he wanted a big party for his sixteenth birthday.  He told me no.  I told him you're getting it anyway.  You only turn 16 once and you don't want to regret not doing something fun.
Since May weather in Utah is unpredictable and we couldn't count on having it in the backyard and I really didn't want 20 teenagers in my house, we decided to do it at the Stake Center.  It worked out great!
We started the night with pizza (18 pizzas).  I can't believe how fast teenagers can eat.  After dinner was over, we cleared away the tables and played some fun games.  We had sock dodge ball (thank you Tuttles for letting us borrow all your sock balls and it was so much fun to clean them all up!):
We borrowed a giant elastic and gunny sacks from the Fords (thanks to you! everyone loved them):
And we had some minute-it-win-it type games.  Wow!  Teenagers can be crazy!
After the kids had exhausted themselves with games, they watched a movie complete with bags of popcorn and candy bars.  Half way through The Hobbit, Greg and I served brownie sundaes (brownies, ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate bars and sprinkles).  The key to happy teenagers is a lot of good food.  I think we did well.
It was a great night for a great teenager.  After, Gavin did say he was glad we did it even though he didn't want it in the beginning.
Love you, Gav!

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