Friday, September 27, 2013

Scattered Thoughts on Guard

1.  Today while we were driving to kindergarten, I could hear Guard making quite a commotion in the back seat.  When we got home and I opened the car to unbuckle him, I started to laugh.  He looked up at me with the most innocently confused smile, "What's so funny, Mom?"  He had taken off both his socks, and had taken his arms out of his sleeves and push his onesie down to his belly button - all while still having his arms buckled in.  I'm not sure how he did it, but I think he was chilly.  It was cold this morning.
2.  His new favorite hangout is in the bathroom sink.  He crawls up in there and makes faces in the mirror and plays with whatever is left on the counter and had a great time.  Luckily he hasn't turned on the water yet.  When he is ready to get out, he screams and I come and get him.  They few times he has tried to get down himself, he has fallen and hit his head on the toilet, so I am more than happy to get him down.
3.  We have fallen into a schedule in the mornings.  We take Enoch to school at 7:45am and get home a little before 8.  I then get Guard in the tub and do Kate's hair while he is playing a few feet away happily.  After I get Guard out, dry him off, lotion him up and get him dressed (it sounds so easy and basic, why is it such a battle every morning?), he runs into the living room and pulls out a book.  He reads books for the next 20 minutes while I vacuum up the insane amount of dog hair in our house (every day, I vacuum every day and the dog hair still piles up).  Guard then wanders and finds new messes to make until we take Kate to school at 9am.
4.  Guard is the most disproportionate baby I know.  He is tall (75%) and skinny (8%), but all his height is through his torso.  So, I have to buy 24 month onesies, which give him the length, but are about twice as big around as he is.  I buy 12 month pants and still have to roll up some of them.  His feet are the only fat thing about him - it's hard to find him shoes.  I did pick up these super cute shoes at Target for fat baby feet.
I've been making some clothes for him to try to get some of the measurement right.   I did find out after making pants and a fleece hat that Guard's waist and head circumference are the same - both 18 inches. 
Some cute pants I made Guard.  I drafted my own pattern and I didn't mean for them to turn out so skinny, but they look really cute on him.  I love the back pockets.  (Too bad the pictures are so bad; he is so wiggly!)

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