Monday, September 2, 2013

Saturday To-Do List

I'm pretty notorious around my house for my weekend do-to list.  Most of it is work, but I even put fun things on there so we don't forget to play with the kids (and to make sure we can cross something off and feel somewhat productive!).  The kids usually have a few jobs (finish up weekly homework, clean out the car, clean room, etc).  Greg is always great about the list.  He doesn't complain or whine, he just does what's on the list.  I think we have all realized that the list makes our family and home function smoother and actually gives us more time to spend together.
In the spring, I made an conscience decision to forgo to-do lists this summer.  We were going to put off home improvement projects, decorating projects, errands on Saturday and the other things that the kids hate doing on dad's day off for the summer.  We spent most Saturdays having fun, using our passes to Thanksgiving Point and Hogle Zoo, playing Legos, relaxing, etc.  It was wonderful!  Errands, projects, yard work were done during the week.
Well, summer is over and our family needs to catch up on some things.  Since we just got home from vacation, we still had a few things left over from the trip that needed to be taken care of soon. 
When Gavin came up the stairs this morning, he groaned, "Not the to-do list!"  Yep, a 3X5 index card sitting on the kitchen table, already filled out.  The difference was that this morning Greg made out the to-do list.  I think maybe he can make the list every week!

Play with Kate


Sweep motor home
Vacuum motor home
Wash windows in motor home
Clean kitchen in motor home
Mow lawn
Go to RV store

Get in Gavin's way

Play with Dad

That's the way to make a list!


Michelle Kelly said...

Love it! Gavin can run the house on Saturdays now.

Ford Fam said...

He he he! I love the list!