Thursday, September 12, 2013

Family Band Night

Gavin has been working so hard with Marching Band this summer and fall.  He really enjoys the music and the friends he has made.  Marching Band isn't for everyone, but Gavin is having a great time.
Tonight, they performed their field show for the Marching Band families.  It was great to see what they were working on and how it came together.  I had seen bits and pieces when I would pick Gavin up from practice, but when they were on the field, in uniform, all marching together - it was awesome!
At the end of the show, they asked each band member to invite a family member down to shadow them.  Enoch was so excited to go down and be with Gavin.  Gavin helped Enoch learn how to hold the saxophone and then how to march and follow the people around you.  They had a few practice runs, and then the band members left the field and the family members did it on their own.  Enoch did great!  He took it very seriously and he really did a great job.  I couldn't get a great picture of Enoch because everyone around him was so tall.  In the car on the way home, Enoch kept talking about all the instruments he wanted to play in the band - tuba, drums, trumpet, etc.  I will be interested to see which one he settles upon.
We are so proud of Gavin!  He has worked so hard and is really making a difference in his section.  We love you!
(Greg had to leave mid way through because he had a late night release at work that night.)

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